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Question.3876 - For this discussion, please choose one of the following options to review or solve and discuss:  Option 1. Check out the additional resources on two population comparisons. Choose one to answer the following questions:  Why did you choose this resource?  In what ways did this resource better helped you understand probability or normal distribution concepts from this week?  What are some possible new questions you have after reviewing the resource? Resources Open Stax: Introductory Business Statistics 2e See intro and sections 10.1, 10.6 and 10.4.  Khan Academy: Unit 13: Two-sample inference for the difference between groupsLinks to an external site. Investopedia: T-Test: What It Is With Multiple Formulas and When To Use Them Find your own resource or video two population procedures.  Option 2. Use AI as a study buddy to quiz yourself. Use ChatGpt or CoPilot to come up with study questions related to one of the following: two sample t procedures matched pairs t procedure two proportion z procedures Then answer attempt to answer the questions on your own. After you have tried, ask the AI for the answers with explanations.  Prompt: "You are a business statistics expert please write an eight question quiz with short answer, matching, True/False and multiple choice questions based on {insert the topic from this week i.e matched pairs t test}. Questions should be applied and related to {field of study you are interested in i.e. finance}." Once the questions are created try to answer them on your own. Then aske the AI to provide answers with explanations.  Which topic did you choose?  How did you initially do on the AI created quiz?  In what ways did completing the quiz (and reviewing the AI explanations) help you understand your chosen topic? Optional - Post the AI Quiz.  Option 3.  Use AI to critique your understanding and provide feedback.  Use ChatGpt or CoPilot to critique your answers. Write your own response to the following question as if it were on an exam and you needed to answer it on recall. Question (for you not AI): Explain the similarities and differences between a matched pairs t test and a two sample t test. Describe when it is appropriate to use a matched pairs t procedure.  Prompt: "You are a business statistics expert please critique my answer to the following question: Explain the similarities and differences between a matched pairs t test and a two sample t test. Describe when it is appropriate to use a matched pairs t procedure. Please explain whether my understanding is accurate or if there are parts I need to rethink. {insert your response to question}. " In what ways was the feedback helpful? Did this exercise help you better understand this topic? Optional - Post the YOUR response and the AI feedback. 

Answer Below:

I selected option 1. I selected to watch Khan Academy unit 13 videos because they offer highly engaging and interactive lessons explaining statistical concepts through video tutorials, practice problems, and step-by-step guides (Comparing Population Proportions 1 (Video), n.d.). The Khan Academy videos clarified the differences between one-sample and two-sample tests, emphasizing when and why we would compare two groups using hypothesis tests or confidence intervals. After reviewing the resource, some possible new questions are : How do we handle violations of assumptions (e.g., normality) in two-sample tests and What practical strategies exist for choosing an appropriate sample size for meaningful two-sample comparisons?   References Comparing population proportions 1 (video). (n.d.). Khan Academy. Retrieved May 22, 2023, from https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/significance-tests-confidence-intervals-two-samples/comparing-two-proportions/v/comparing-population-proportions-1 ‌

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