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Question.1859 - The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girl + (and two-spirit) movement raises awareness of the violence against American Indian and Native people in the United States.   This movement brings attention to an often-overlooked segment of our population - the American Indian and Native people who confront violence and structural inequality on a daily basis. While this is a national crisis, it is one that hits home to many here in Pembroke, NC - Home of the Lumbee Tribe. This pressing social issue is presented in numbers, statistics, and counts - but too often these statistics are biased due to underreporting and racial misclassification. To learn more about the MMIW movement & statistics, check out the following resources:   Resource 1: Missing-and-Murdered-Indigenous-Women-and-Girls-Report.pdf (uihi.org)Links to an external site. Resource 2: Missing Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Men in NC (mmiwnc.com)Links to an external site.   For your initial post, please share what you have learned about the MMIW movement. Also, provide a brief reflection of what the statistics tell us and what may be missing. Push yourself to consider WHO these statistics are for, WHY they matter, and WHOSE voices are left out (minimum 150 words).

Answer Below:

After reading the article, it was quite shocking to know that many women and girls went missing due to violence. This article provides statistics on missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. It focuses on the alarming levels of violence and systematic inequalities experienced by American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian women, girls, and two-spirit people in the United States (MISSING and MURDERED WOMEN & GIRLS, n.d.). These Statistics are critical for raising awareness and influencing?changes in legislation that address the underlying causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls. The Urban Indian Health Institute emphasized institutional problems resulting from colonial legacies, which contribute to MMIW underrepresentation, particularly in urban areas, where 71% of American Indians/Alaska Natives live. The UIHI was established in 2017 to address this gap, revealing 506 incidents across 71 cities, 56% of which were classified as murder cases. Unfortunately, more than 95% of these cases go unreported by national or international media, and victims are frequently misrepresented. References MISSING AND MURDERED WOMEN & GIRLS. (n.d.). http://www.uihi.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Missing-and-Murdered-Indigenous-Women-and-Girls-Report.pdf ? ?

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