Question.3910 - Step 1: Choose your Analysis For each option the goal is for you to conduct a chi-square equal proportions test or a chi-square test for independence test. Please review the options and choose one that interests you: Option 1. For BA 275 students is major related to whether the student is currently employed? Use the major and job_current variables in the BA275 student survey data to test whether there is a relationship between the major and job status. Option 2. For BA 275 students are the proportion of female students equal in each major category? Use the gender and major variables in the BA275 student survey data to test whether the proportion of students who identify as female differ between the business majors. Option 3. Is there a relationship between proximity to campus and the condition of a Corvallis rental? Use the Corvallis Rentals data to test whether being close to campus (campus_close) and whether a dwelling is new are dependent (new). Option 4. Is there a relationship between position in the NBA and whether a player is “good” at free throws? Use the POS and the FT_Good from the NBA Player Stats data to test whether there is a significant association between position and ability to make free throws. Option 5. Is the proportion of flights delayed different by day of the week? Use the variables ARR_DEL15 and DAY_OF_WEEK to test the proportions of delayed flights differ by week day from the Oregon Flights data. Obtain your observed counts and Side-by-Side Barchart Create a pivot table using the two variables to obtain the observed counts. Create an appropriate plot to compare variables. Step 5: Conduct a hypothesis test and calculate a 95% confidence interval for p Use your option's question of interest to state the null and alternative hypotheses. Use your observed counts to calculate the expected counts, the chi-square test statistic, df and p-value. Save and show your work for your post. Save you output so you can post it in your analysis.
Answer Below:
Week 7 Data anlaysisState and Visualize I selected option 2. The question of interest is “Are the proportion of female students equal across different business major categories in the BA275 student population?” Plan Null Hypothesis ( H0 ) : Gender and Major are independent Alternative Hypothesis ( H1 ) : Gender and Major are dependent Expected count The data selected is from a random sample of BA 275 students across the different majors. The expected counts are large enough to Meet the Conditions for a Chi-Square Test since all the expected counts are greater than or equal to 5. Solve Chi square test is calculated by the sum of (observed – expected) ^2/ expected. The degrees of freedom is (r-1) (c-1) = (2 -1) (4 -1) = 3 The p- value is 0.0068 which is calculated using the excel formula CHISQ.DIST. RT (12.1702, 3) Conclude The alternative hypothesis (H1) states that gender and major are dependent, meaning there is an association between these two variables. The p-value for the chi-square test is 0.0068, which is less than the alpha level of 0.10. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis (H0), which states that gender and major are independent. Therefore, we conclude that there is a statistically significant relationship between gender and major, which implies that the distribution of gender across different majors is not random and may reflect in how students choose their majors.More Articles From Statistics