Question.1946 - The proposition is: The literature review constitutes the pillar that provides a foundation to any research project. Make an argument (a couple of pages maximum, in a Word document) in favor of that proposition. Make your argument as convincing and evidence-based as possible.
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Introduction The proposition that has been intended to be proved in this argumentative paper is that a literature review can be considered a pillar that provides a foundation for any research project. To attest to this proposition, an argument derived from the book of Williams (2018) has been taken into consideration, which will be later justified with the help of current literature. From the concerned book it has been evident that Black women faced a significant level of racism and patriarchy in the US for several years. Therefore, to cope with these issues, these women traveled to Jamaica and used online communities to form relationships with other Jamaican people to live happily (Williams, 2018). These aspects will be further justified with the support of literary evidence. Discussion According to Ryan (2014), in early America around the 18th century, white people utilized patriarchal governance. In particular, white men used their superior power to suppress African Americans, Indians, and other races. These men even used their sexual privilege and tried to lead people of color through punishments and being authority figures in these families (Ryan, 2014). This proves how gender hierarchy was closely connected with racial hierarchy in the concerned era. On a similar note, Kelly (2019) asserted that racism and colorism have been found to be significant issues faced in the world for ages. However, the issue of colorism seems to have faded in recent years. An example has also been cited in this study, wherein it has been stated that Jamaicans have been facing issues of social inequality. The findings of this study also suggested that skin color and racial mixing are adversely related to the ideation of Jamaicans concerning racial discrimination (Kelly, 2019). In addition, Ryan (2019) highlighted that patriarchy in early America significantly influenced the daily lives of oppressed communities and groups, especially women. It was evident in society that men held maximum power and authority. They supervised women and had not only economic but also political, sexual, and legal power (Ryan, 2019). Thus, it can be said that not only sexual hierarchy but racial differences were also quite evident in the concerned era. Even Kelly (2020) agreed that Jamaicans faced social inequality due to their colonial past. It was ultimately found that racial and color discrimination was quite frequently evident among these individuals. United Nations (2018) further reported in this regard that Afro-descendents and Black women have come a long way in making themselves eligible for having rights similar to other women and individuals in society all over the world. With the presence of several systems of oppression being evident throughout the world, it has been challenging for Afro-descendent women to have a significant position in the economic and social sphere. They have been constantly facing gender-based and ethno-racial-based discrimination (United Nations, 2018). However, many African Americans traveled to other countries in search of happiness. This could be justified by the findings of Williams (2017), wherein it was stated that Jamaicans and African Americans have been traveling and meeting with each other during vacations so that they can create a community with diasporic hearts. In this manner, people are communicating with each other and reducing racial and sexual discrimination they have been facing in countries such as America and Jamaica. Foster (1999) also noted that blacks often traveled overseas so that they could be temporarily relieved from racism and other social inequalities they faced in the US during the 19th century. Conclusion Based on the overall discussion, it can be said that people often choose to travel to different places in search of better living and eliminating problems. For instance, many African-American women living in the US opted to travel to other places temporarily so that they could be relieved from racism and other social discriminations. This aspect also highlights the fact that racism and patriarchy exist in several parts of the world, including America. Social injustice and inequality have been faced by several people including Black women for ages. Thus, people had to look for ways to resolve these issues, may it be temporarily so that they could continue living happily. This shows how oppressed some parts of the community were and hence, how far they have come in today’s modern world to attain racial and gender equality. Hence, the proposition in this argumentative paper that a literature review can be considered a pillar providing a foundation for any research project is proved based on substantial evidence from the existing literature and secondary sources. References Foster, M. S. (1999). In the face of" Jim Crow": Prosperous blacks and vacations, travel and outdoor leisure, 1890-1945. The Journal of Negro History, 84(2), 130-149. Kelly, M. D. (2020). Examining race in Jamaica: How racial category and skin color structure social inequality. Race and social problems, 12(4), 300-312. Kelly, M. D. A. (2019). Jamaican ethnic oneness: Race, colorism, and inequality. University of California, Irvine, 1-128. Ryan, K. A. (2019). Women and Patriarchy in Early America, 1600–1800. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History. New York: Oxford University Press. Ryan, Kelly A. (2014). Racialized Patriarchy: Indians and African Americans in the Patriarchal Ideal. In Regulating Passion: Sexuality and Patriarchal Rule in Massachusetts, 1700–1830. New York: Oxford Academic. United Nations. (2018). Afrodescendent women in Latin America and the Caribbean: Debts of equality. United Nations Publication, 3-93. Williams, B. C. (2017). “Giving Back” to Jamaica: Experiencing Community and Conflict while Traveling with Diasporic Heart. Souls, 19(1), 24-38. Williams, B. C. (2018). The pursuit of happiness: Black women, diasporic dreams, and the politics of emotional transnationalism. USA: Duke University Press. Articles From Literature