Question.1835 - Instructions Progress Report on Review of Literature (ROL) Assignment Record and post a 5-minute video in which you address the following: Describe your plan for your ROL How did I get started? What is th,e specific thesis, problem, or research question that my ROL helps to define? C. What type of literature review am Iconducting? Am Ilooking at issues of theory? methodology? policy? quantitative research? qualitative research? D.What is th,e scope of my ROL? What types of publications am Iusing (e.g.journals, books, government documents, popular media)? E.What disdpline(s) am Iworking in (e.g. nursing,psychology, sociology, medicine)? How am Ifinding relevant material? (e.g. electronic sources, references of references, hand searching of journals). What is the structure of my ROL paper? (e.g. chronologically,by theme, by sector [methodological background,political background,practice background, geographical background,literary background], by development of ideas,by a combination of the above or any other structure I have created). What problems/issues have Iencountered in completing my ROL?
Answer Below:
Report on literature review progress In this report, progress on the review of literature is detailed. The topic for this review is Ghosts of the African diaspora. Describe your plan for your ROL How did I get started? When I undertook the AADS program, I aimed at studying about the social, political, racial and cultural aspects of descendants from Africa. One of the interesting parts of their culture is their imagination and beliefs in supernatural things (Tally, 2019). I wanted to explore these for getting a better understanding of Afrofuturism. A proper plan was made for conducting this review. The beginning of the review took place by focussing on the course materials and the references books. One of the books which broadened my understanding on this topic was the one written by Chassot (2018). The author of this book notes that in the past there have been many studies in the field of transnational American with a particular focus on cold war. Globalization of the world requires and understanding of the national culture of American as there are local and global culture phenomena which are intertwined. Many papers and books have been found on the internet and these are reviewed for conducting this literature review. What is the specific thesis, problem, or research question that my ROL helps to define? This research is focussed on the following thesis statement. Thesis statement: what are the discourses that are focussed on imaginative practices and superstitious beliefs of descendants from Africa and how these are contributing or restricting the participation and empowerment of these people in the national progress? This research is therefore, focussed on imaginative and superstitious beliefs of these people and how it is contributing to the welfare in the future or is creating obstacles in their empowerment. What type of literature review am I conducting? Am I looking at issues of theory? methodology? policy? quantitative research? qualitative research? The thesis statement of this research is achieved through a qualitative method. A qualitative research methodology is undertaken and a review of literature is carried out. This review will be carried out in a step wise manner and the selected papers will be assessed for their quality. A qualitative critical lens will be used for obtaining quality data on this topic of Afrofuturism. What is the scope of my ROL? What types of publications am I using (e.g. journals, books, government documents, popular media)? My scope of review is on the topic. The selected papers and materials are latest and are not older than five years. The review will include papers which are peer reviewed and books. This is done to ensure that only quality data is obtained for getting answers to the thesis statement. For getting a better understanding of the discourses and black imagination, I will also take notes from the films, media and social movements. Scholarly articles and published essays will also be studied for broadening my understanding. What discipline(s) am I working in (e.g. nursing, psychology, sociology, medicine)? The chosen topic is not limited to any one field as the results of this review has implications for many stakeholders. The results of this paper will be beneficial for the subjects like social science, Africana studies, humanities, history and anthropology. How am I finding relevant material? (e.g. electronic sources, references of references, hand searching of journals). At first, I conducted a preliminary search on the internet. I started reading the book written by Chassot, (2018) for broadening my understanding of the topic and exploring the context of black imagination. I have planned to look for electronic and internet sources and the books available in the library. What is the structure of my ROL paper? (e.g. chronologically, by theme, by sector [methodological background, political background, practice background, geographical background, literary background], by development of ideas, by a combination of the above or any other structure I have created). A review of literature will be conducted in a systematic manner. The selected papers will be studied many a times for understanding the major themes emerging from these papers. The collected papers will be presented according to the common themes presented by them. Hence, the structure of the review of literature will be according to the identified themes. What problems/issues have I encountered in completing my ROL? The major issue faced while conducting this review was the paucity of time. There is a vast amount of literature which is existing on this topic. The review of literature could have included more papers if the time limit would have been expanded as it would have allowed me to study a greater number of papers. There were papers which were excluded from the review because of reasons like older than five years, search terms not appearing in the title of the paper or poor quality of papers. Further, conducting a review of literature is difficult as I am not used to such writings and therefore, errors are bound to keep in. I need to develop my writing skills for presenting my knowledge and abilities. References Chassot, J. (2018). Ghosts of the African diaspora: re-visioning history, memory, and identity. Dartmouth College Press. Tally, J. (2019). Ghosts of the African Diaspora: Re-Visioning History, Memory, and Identity, by Joanne Chassot. New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 93(3-4), 349-350.More Articles From Literature