Question.1993 - Please read the Open toInterpretation article by 31 Gaub and White (2020). Now that you have seen the evidence,what do you think? Should poice use Body Worn Cameras?Are they a good accountability measure? What are the positive aspects of this approach? What are the challenges?
Answer Below:
The concept of body worn cameras can help to deter crime because when people don’t know the fact that they are being recorded; they start behaving in a different manner. Hence, the body worn cameras can help to detect the members who are behaving in an aggressive manner or in anti social manner or in any form of abusive manner, which is not an acceptable act. So, it looks as if it is a great way to encourage or enforce better practices from the police and leads to increase of accountability as well as the footage can be used as a source of evidence if needed. This can act really strong in favor as it can be an incredible source of proof to the case and can be easily presented before the court of law. Another advantage can be prevention of violation and there is a drop in force rate as the respondents are seen to be using less violence when the police are wearing cameras. So, this can be used as a very strong source of evidence that if there is more amounts of cameras, there will be lesser violence in the society. There are some challenges as well here which is restricted privacy as police body cameras can limit the privacy of both the civilians and law enforcements as there cameras are running for a fuller time and random shots will also be taken in the process (Exploring Pros and Cons of Police Body Cams, 2023). Since this footage is owned by the state, so the footage of any arrest that is made can damage defendants reputation and so it is clear that police body camera can hinder privacy. Another challenge will be that the actual quality of footage can differ due to police movements, lights or other factors that can blur the footage and gets harder to interpret and so one should start using technologically advanced cameras in this case. References Exploring Pros and Cons of Police Body Cams. (2023). Retrieved from 10-8 video: Articles From Literature