Question.397 - Skill building activityList the?author name(s) and literary work(s)?you plan to write about.? Provide a?research question. This is the question you most want to answer as you proceed in your research project. (Example Research Questions:?What is Homer saying in?The Iliad?about the suffering and loss in war? What does?The Iliad?tell us about the role of women?) Provide a clearly-labelled?working thesis statement. This should be a one-sentence declarative statement that clearly announces the purpose/intent of your eventual paper- what is it out to prove in its argument? You might think of this working thesis statement as a possible answer to your research question. (Example Working Thesis Statement:?Homer employs harmful gender stereotypes in his depiction of women in?The Iliad.) Write a brief?proposal paragraph?in which you explain why you are interested in this literature, what led you to this topic, what you hope to learn as you proceed in your research, and any possible challenges or concerns you might face as you work on this project.?
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