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Question.1914 -                     Week Three Assignment: ABCD Analys is PaP- er 2 Attached Files; lei ABCD Analysis Rubric.doc3 A+ (16.534 KB) ABCD Analysis Paper #2:Thomas Paine, Common Sense Please submit your ABCD Analysis Paper on Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" (1776).   Your response should be formatted according to the following mnemonic,with one paragraph allocated for each section Author: who wrote this piece? Bias ; whatis this author likely to be for or against?   Context what is this author trying to accomplish? Who is trying to persuade?   Discussion: Based on all of the above, do we find the author to be a credible primary source?   Your response should be submitted as a Word document. Please do not upload a PDF as Icannot edit these documents after you submit them. Your response can be in any font, but it should be 12pt size and double spaced. This ABCD Ana lysis Paper is due by Sunday of this week by 11:59 PM EST.

Answer Below:

Table of Contents Author 3 Bias 3 Context 3 Discussion 4 References 5   Author The "Common Sense" was written by Thomas Paine, who was an English-born American founder father (Paine,1776). Along with the political pamphlet Common Sense, Paine also authored Crisis papers that exerted crucial influence on the American Revolution. His initial life in England was full of hardships with two failed marriages and discontentment in every job he tried and was paid meagre that hardly covered his living costs. After he reached America in 1774, Paine advocated for American independence. His pamphlet propaganda made theDeclaration of Independence possible (Chumbley& Zonneveld, 2009). Bias Thomas Paine favored American Independence from England and tried to convince people to unite for American independence (Rachum, 1993). Further, Paine was against heredity rule and supported democracy as he felt that humans were capable of governing themselves.Paine calls for democratic rule of America and encouraged people of America to create laws for themselves. Paine believed in a state of equality and was against the distinction between the king and his subjects. Paine considered the heredity rule as an abominable practice and regarded the rule of a king as a sin as it is also condemned in the Bible. He was also against hereditary succession and condemned the child of a king as a future king. In his book, Paine mentioned the numerous perils like inefficient kings, exploitation and civil unrest as the consequences of heredity succession. Context Common Sense is a 47-page pamphlet published in 1776, right after the Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775. The purpose of writing the book was to promote the idea of independent nations and declare America as independent from the Great Britain (Paine, T.1776). The author is trying to persuade the 13 states that form the United States of Americaduring the 1775-76 period. Through the Common Sense, the author is persuading the people of America to stop revolting against taxation and instead fight for independence from England (Young, 1995). Discussion The author is a credible primary source as henarrated his ideas of demanding an independent nation after first hand observation of the revolts done by the Americans for higher taxation. He is also a founding father and has credible reputation attached to him. The common sense is also documented as a primary source under the Constitution 101 and is registered as 2.5 Primary Source under the Constitution Centre website (Rosenfeld, 2008). He was a highly intelligent man, political theorist, and author who had huge popularity amongst the public. He was a highly rationale man and it is evident from the logics he presented in his pamphlet. He dismissed the rule of England over America as he considered the rule of small islands of the Great Britain governing a big country like America.   References Chumbley, J., & Zonneveld, L. (Eds.). (2009). Thomas Paine: In Search of the Common Good (Vol. 2). Spokesman Books Paine, T. (1776). Common sense: 1776. Infomotions, Incorporated.Rachum, I. (1993). From “American Independence” to the “American Revolution”. Journal of American Studies, 27(1), 73-81. Rosenfeld, S. (2008). Tom Paine's Common Sense and Ours. The William and Mary Quarterly, 65(4), 633-668. Young, A. F. (1995). Common Sense and the Rights of Man in America: The Celebration and Damnation of Thomas Paine. In Science, Mind and Art: Essays on science and the humanistic understanding in art, epistemology, religion and ethics Inhonor of Robert S. Cohen (pp. 411-439). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

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