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Question.1997 - After watching Kleingeld the first time, respond to at least three of the questions from 1 to 5. Also, respond to question 6. The purpose of this discussion is to work out your understanding of the narrative--the characters, the setting, the conflict, and the overall theme. Pay attention to what other students say about the narrative--they often provide an insight that can help you see the story in a new or deeper way. After completing this part of the assignment, watch the film again, paying attention to the visual and cinematic cues help you interpret the narrative in the way that you do. Use the assigned tutorials to enhance your viewing experience and your answers. 1. There are two main characters, Dr. Hoffman (the banker), and the beggar. On the surface, what is their relationship? Why does the beggar wash the banker's car? Why does the banker react the way he does? 2. Compare the two main characters. In what ways are they similar to each other? In what ways are they different from each other? Who do you sympathize with most? Why? (There is no right or wrong answer to this.) 3. What is the central conflict of this story? What is the inciting event? (What starts the conflict?) How does the conflict escalate? Who is responsible for escalating the conflict? 2/15/24, 7:26 AM Kleingeld - ENGL-2860-C03 - Introduction to Film https://elearn.volstate.edu/d2l/le/9686128/discussions/topics/6123827/View 2/2 Rubrics Movie Discussion Post Rubric Start a New Thread Filter by: Sort by: Newest Thread You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads In your opinion, what is the climax of the story? 4. The setting for this film is a large, anonymous city in autumn. How does that setting affect the overall feel of the narrative? (One way of approaching this question is to consider how the story would be different if it were set a different location, say a small town, or in a different season, say spring.) 5. Did your feeling for and understanding of the banker change as the story progressed? If so, how? 6. What is the central theme of the story? (To use the language of the textbook, 'What is the implied meaning'?)

Answer Below:

Answer 1 Dr. Hoffman, the banker, as well as the beggar, have an unusual relationship (Imdb.com, 2023). The banker used to give the beggar some money on a regular basis, and the beggar, to show his gratitude towards the banker, began to wash his car (Imdb.com, 2023). Initially, the banker did not want the beggar to be close to his car, but later, when his car got dirty, he required the service of the beggar. However, due to some misunderstanding, the beggar started to ignore the banker and went away from the place. Answer 2 The two main characters in Kleingeld are different from each other, as the banker is a rich and successful businessman while beggar is a homeless man (Imdb.com, 2023). I sympathize most with the banker since his behavior described by his work. Answer 3 The central conflict of this story is that when the beggar washed the banker’s car, the banker ignored him and did not pay him any money in exchange for car washing, as he did not make any change (Imdb.com, 2023). The banker was responsible for the conflict. In the story’s climax, the banker’s behavior changed as he wanted to give more money to the beggar. But the beggar ignored him and went away.  Answer 6 The central theme of Kleingeld is that money becomes valueless if there is no value of human beings (Imdb.com, 2023).     References Imdb.com. (2023). Kleingeld. Retrieved from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0200780/reviews?sort=curated&dir=desc&ratingFilter=0

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