Question.651 - Should we ever be completely transparent? How do you find where the line is? How do you convey what that line is? How do you get buy-in that this is the right balance of transparency? How does the line for transparency relate to an inclusive organizational culture discussed in the previous module? How are the different disciplines handling transparency based upon how diverse and how inclusive they are?
Answer Below:
M4.2 Discuss: How Much is Too Much? Draft Response Letter for CEO: Hello Fellow Workers, There's been a mistake; I would like to address the hassles that have been around in the news; lately, I have mailed a set of documents that were shared on the social media; now, this meeting is not about who has made what mistake, but rather about the importance about having ethical boundaries in our workspace. The mail you all received yesterday from me was error mail; although transparency is an important factor in our firm, every individual needs to comprehend the fact that where the line needs to be drawn, you cannot publicize professional information on a personal social media platform, as that information might or not involves details that could hamper the livelihood of stakeholders, Now that this has happened we all could be sure of what we are letting out in the name of transparency. One of the core values of our company is operating on the Utilitarian views, that is, practicing ethical thinking based on critical information in order to conclude or come to an understanding on putting behavior in accordance with the greater good. In the event that has caused the firm to be exposed to the media, I should have been more careful with my emails, and on the other hand, as a significant part of the firm, it is necessary for every employee to mitigate the impact of their action as you are one of the primary stakeholders of our firm, these are ethical responsibility which I will be practicing too, along with you. I understand this perception of ethical boundaries of what is right and wrong within a corporate environment could lead to moral obligation; it is important to work as one unit, as a team together; please feel free to reach out to me. The organization is well aware of the diverse philosophy and ideology of various cultures; the new structure of corporate behavior calls for deontological ethics where you shall be obliged to mitigate your actions in accordance with moral responsibility. The employee of the year awards will consider your ethical behavior in the corporate environment. Thank you. Have a good day ahead. Response 1) Hi, Thank you for sharing your insight; you have provided intriguing information on the topic. Leaders can motivate others surrounding them to act morally on a systemic level. Others will watch and conduct accordingly if one?sets?an example and provide guidance for moral standards. As a result, ethical leaders may favorably impact innumerable people by providing them with a set of characteristics they might take for a larger purpose. Response 2) Hi, you have provided really good insight into the topic, unique from what I have read. That being said, ethical values in becoming a leader are critical for trust and credibility on an individual basis. It takes a long time to become a leader with moral/ethical values that tends to address the concerns of all the stakeholders. Capable of behaving unethically could knock a person out of their shoes and severely harm their corporate or personal reputation. Furthermore, unethical activity frequently erodes self-esteem, resulting in a poor outcome and a wasted opportunity to realize one's full potential. Response 3) Hi, distinct post! However, I would like to add characteristics to depict ethical leadership; transparency primarily emphasizes interaction with all parties. It entails maintaining an open discussion, receiving comments, and sharing the knowledge others require to complete their tasks. Choosing to be in command entails embracing the authority and influence that comes with it, as well as constantly reacting and staying available in tough circumstances. Integrity is demonstrated whenever beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors are constant and coordinated. Ethical leaders value others, irrespective of their status or distinguishing features. This implies that they respond to all stakeholders, promote inclusiveness, and appreciate heterogeneity.More Articles From Leadership Management