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Question.2515 - In the Discussion Activity for Module 1, you explored some of the initially proposed amendments the Framers considered (with a few being adopted, and many others rejected). Since the adoption of the Bill of Rights, literally thousands of amendments have been proposed, but only seventeen additional ones have been added to the Constitution. For this activity, you will research amendments recently proposed in Congress. Go to the Congress.gov (https://www.congress.gov/) website. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and from the “site content" column at the far left of the page, select the “legislation” link. There, in the left-hand column, under the “Congress” heading, select the “show more” option and then place a checkmark in the top three boxes (at the time this assignment was written, the top three boxes were 116, 115, and 114). Then, in the “browse” search box at the top of the page (i.e., where it says “Examples: hr5, sres9, “health care”), type your search words (e.g., “amendment to the Constitution of the United States,” “amendment to the United States Constitution,” etc.), and select the "search" icon to the right (i.e., the magnifying glass in the black box). A list should then appear showing “bills containing your phrase exactly as entered” and “bills containing all your search words near each other in any order,” from which you should be able to find usable proposals. Provide the title and number of the bill (including the Congress number and session), as well as who introduced it (and the number of co-sponsors, if any), when it was introduced, and a brief synopsis of the amendment. Finally, in your opinion, should this amendment be adopted? Why or why not? Support your position with cogent reasons/arguments. Module 1 Recently Proposed Amendments 10/08/2023, 11:26 Topic: Module 1 - Web Research Activity: Recently Proposed Amendments https://erau.instructure.com/courses/159616/discussion_topics/2762828 2/4 Search entries or author ? Reply ? I m p o rt a n t N o t e Each student should write about a different proposed amendment. You are also to reply to at least two of your classmates’ submissions by reviewing and analyzing them. In your analysis, adopt a position counter to that taken by your classmate, once more supported by cogent reasons/arguments. Be sure to include your references and cite them using current APA guidelines. Consult the grading rubric for detailed evaluation criteria for this activity.

Answer Below:

H.J. RES. 71, 117 Congress- The emphasis is upon successfully initiating the amendment to the United States Constitution to reduce the number of terms a congress member may serve. On February 8, 2022, Rep. Madison Cawthorn, North Carolina, 11 congressional district, introduced this proposed amendment. With the internal constructs and limits of the legislative branch, a framework has been proposed parallel to the implementation of this amendment. As per the content established for the proposed amendment, a member of the House Representative can serve up to 6 terms, and senators are limited to serve a maximum of 2 terms. During article ratification, the amendment proposes measures protecting the interest of the currently serving congress members. The idea of implementing this amendment emphasizes decentralizing the social and administrative emphases. The concept of flexibility can improve the effectiveness of administration and render diversification in the process and phenomena involving administration. Implementing this amendment could lead to the focus on the dissolution of narrowing and confining perspectives towards public administration. The implementation can prevent the burden of resisting and dealing with political ideologies to overwhelming heights. Subjectivity toward progress can be replaced with objectivity in social evolution. Through the refinement of term reduction, the hope and expectations of individuals towards their indulgence in social and administrative participation can be revoked. Henceforth, the proposed amendment can potentially eradicate social and political mundanity concerning policy implementation and radical transformations. The campaign pledges can comply with meeting the purpose of concision towards serving the public interests. The interactions about social and administrative aspects find diversifications drawing relevancies and relations to many social contexts with pursuits towards seeking conceptual ideas. Social interactionalism is the foremost element for transforming political forms during development. Henceforth, the emphasis of the proposed amendment is believed to be helpful for the diversification of social and administrative participation. References Polsby, N. W. (1968). The institutionalization of the US House of Representatives. American political science review, 62(1), 144-168. Porter, M. A., Mucha, P. J., Newman, M. E., & Friend, A. J. (2007). Community structure in the United States house of representatives. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 386(1), 414-438.

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