Question.773 - Pick an article/news story from a popular press site: news, sports, business, etc. about an organization or company. In your discussion, link the article to one of the following options: --Types of Formal Communication (i.e. upward, downward) --Types of Informal Communication (i.e. grapevine) --Types of Power (i.e. reward, coercive) --Types of Resistance (i.e. overt, covert) Each initial post will include the following: 1) a clearly articulated aspect of organizational communication from the above options, 2) a quick summary of the topic and source, 3) a reference to course material (including citation), 4) the viewpoint/opinion of you-the student, and 5) 2-3 discussion questions for your classmates to address.
Answer Below:
Article Source Ismail, T. (2022, December 28).?How corporate communication impacts organizational performance. Tekedia. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from The article tends to discuss how corporate culture communication influences organizational performance; according to the author, communication tends to be the process where ideas or information are exchanged for a particular purpose. Within an organizational setting, communication plays a vital role in order to have a systematic flow of information that could aid the organization in the running smoothly. The article further assesses how success factors could be altered by effective communication of information that happens among the stakeholders, while it is important to lay boundaries on the information depending on the stakeholders, which could be internal or external. Considering the internal stakeholders, which is comprised of top management, employees, and other who works within the firm to uphold the firm's objective. Considering the type of communication, it is important to have a mix of both formal and informal communication cues in order to establish who is the authority, flow of information in terms of effectiveness, and setting a disciplined environment working space while mixing it up informal communication cues so that the firm could establish an inclusive environment that includes the internal stakeholders in decision making; it will give the firm a holistic approach to tap into the unexplored skillet of the internal stakeholders while creating an inclusive environment. The article also widens the scope of communication in terms of how the effective flow of information across the organizational structure could help in clearing the confusion that helps in increased productivity. For instance, when a firm is implementing an organizational change in the operation, it is important to include the stakeholders to communicate the importance of the change and give them the space to put forth their concerns on the table to address it such that there is an easy transition without negative impact on the productivity. The article's author claims that leaders have the upper hand in addressing the possible concerns of the stakeholders before they impact productivity. In terms of leaders or stakeholders who are in managerial positions who have the authority to communicate the information is not abided by any sort of guidelines or standards wherein there is a preset format of communication such as creating a cluster chain and making everyone in the cluster accountable giving them responsibilities to communicate the information.More Articles From Communication