Question.2613 - Answer all o'i the following essay questions.Your essays should show an understanding of course materials and revealyour own perspective on the issues presented. Each of the essays you write should be between 250 and 500 words (1 to 2 typed,double-spaced pages). Outline the roots and history of rock and roll from the 1950s to the 1960s and discuss the importance of rock and roll to the radio and recordung industries during this period. Will any of the antipiracy tactics adoptted by the film industry be effoctive in stopping the illegal copying and distribution of films? Why? Why not?
Answer Below:
Outline the roots and history of rock and roll from the 1950s to the 1960s and discuss the importance of rock and roll to the radio and recording industries during this period According to their perception, Rock and Roll appeared in the 1950s as an innovative category that turn the landscape of music. It is a combination of various styles of music, which includes jazz, gospels, country and many more (Malnig, 2023). In America, the post- World War II era has provided the context of social and cultural impact for its rise. That includes the movement of civil rights and also the rebellion of the youth who are charging for its popularity. Musicians from African-American countries play a comprehensive role in shaping rock and roll. In this category many musicians had brought some kind of unique style they are Little Richard, Chuck Berry, and Bo Diddley. Their offerings include solos guitar that is electrifying, performances which is energetic, and powerful vocal delivery. Country music in combination with musician’s flavours brings a good flavour of music, music influencers include Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Elvis Persley (Lashua, 2019). In the radio industry success comes from rock and roll. The radio station is finding out the markets for the growing youth, and to appeal to the teenagers, they are tailoring their programming. According to their understanding and perception, DJs are playing a very much vital role in advocating the category, introducing new artists, and coming up with the such type of music that gathers the love of mass listeners. According to the patterns of music rising in the top '40s has secured the dominance of rock and roll by coming up with hit music regularly (Malnig, 2023). The recording industry also acknowledged the materialistic ability of Rock and Roll. The advancement in the technology of the radio industry had brought about an evolution in 3 the sonic category. In conclusion from the understanding, it is clear to them that rock and roll music brought overall development (Lashua, 2019). Will any of the antipiracy tactics adopted by the film industry be effective in stopping the illegal distribution of films? Why? Why not? According to their perspective and understanding, Antipiracy tactics are implemented by the film industry in numerous ways to achieve the targets to combat illegal activities. Additionally, no single technique may become effective in removing piracy in film industries. The perspective is taken from the understanding of course material considering the complexities of the issues (Bellégo & De Nijs, 2020). Legal actions are taken by the film industry against the individual or social media websites that are engaged in such kind of piracy. While dealing with the issues of international piracy challenges related to jurisdiction also arises creating the landscape of piracy more complicated (Them, 2020). The main aim of DRM technologies in full form is Digital Right Management focuses on preventing illegal distribution and copying of films. Additionally, the determined pirates are constantly finding out ways to overcome measures of Digital Right Management commonly known as DRM (Bellégo & De Nijs, 2020). Moreover, DRM can also inconvenience legal consumers, facing issues related to compatibility, and causes hinder the transfer of contents across devices. There is various campaign organized which is related to education to raise awareness programs against the negative impacts of such piracy. This kind of initiative will surely frighten some individuals who are not aware of any such consequences, but they may not prevent the pirates that are hard-core and focus on saving costs over the considerations that are ethical (Them, 2020). Some important factors that can help in combating piracy are legal 4 alternatives pricing and availability. When it is seen that the legal options are very much limited or very much expensive for the consumers then the consumers may turn to piracy. There are numerous efforts made to expand the services of legal streaming, and offering of variable options to consumers that are affordable. 5 References Bellégo, C., & De Nijs, R. (2020). The Unintended Consequences of Antipiracy Laws on Markets with Asymmetric Piracy: The Case of the French Movie Industry. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1064-1086. Lashua, B. (2019). Progressive Radio and Cleveland: Place and the Making of the “Capital of Rock ‘n’Roll”. In Popular Music, Popular Myth and Cultural Heritage in Cleveland: The Moondog, The Buzzard, and the Battle for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (pp. 49-60). Emerald Publishing Limited. Malnig, J. (2023). Dancing Black, Dancing White: Rock'n'Roll, Race, and the Cold War. Oxford University Press. &dq=Outline+the+roots+and+history+of+rock+and+roll+from+the+1950s+to+the+1 960s+and+discuss+the+importance+of+rock+and+roll+to+the+radio+and+recording +industries+during+this+period&ots=dhJoBipvBn&sig=MDFQRweE4XNAzYG3mIt gt-cFBnk Them, H. D. W. S. (2020). Inside the World of Video Pirates. pirates.pdfMore Articles From Communication