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Question.1281 - DQ7 Describe you interactions with e-books (e-readers, e-textbooks, books for iPad, etc.) and describe how these devices have shaped your reading habits.  Do you prefer them to paper books?  Or do you bypass them altogether and only paper books?  Why is this? 

Answer Below:

Hello everyone, this is more of a personal reflection; after graduation - I have to be honest, I stopped engaging with physical books, but I have purchased access to an online library that gives me access to eBooks, which makes things a lot easier for me bookmark the references that are needed for later use, and I feel this cheaper than getting a hard copy that travels with you physically all the time. In terms of reading habits, I read a lot more than I used to with actual books, particularly due to the accessibility factors that are available hand reach within one device; its easier to reach the desired page, copy the content for references, and share it with people or even screenshotting it, there is even shared reading capability that allows me to read a particular book with a friend that allows me to see what she has book marked and what notes have been made and what the progress. Although it sounds like an academic or bounded process - something that restricts freedom of reading, I feel it's inevitable to stop the adaptation to technology; I would prefer an eBook rather than the actual book. Another point would be that I also travel a lot due to work and other reasons; I don't want to carry all the books with me; if I have them stored in a personal library or have them downloaded to my personal device, I can take access to it anytime, or even any place.

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