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Question.2472 - Identify and share a time that you were treated unfairly. If you cannot think of a time that you were, share a time you witnessed someone else being treated unfairly. How did your race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, etc. affect the treatment you received? What are some of the major causes of racism, sexism, homophobia and some possible solutions? You must support your response with scholarly sources in APA format.  Simply stating your opinion is not enough, back up your opinion with citations.  Refer to the DB Grading Rubric for more details. 2. Unequal treatment in Profession   Many professions today still have gender stereotypes associated with them. In the past decade or so, many have begun to "open their doors" to other genders such as the military, nursing, sports media/broadcasting, law enforcement to name a few. Why has it taken so long for these gender barriers to come down? Why did they exist in the first place? Students can also talk about the struggles we see even when the professions are opened up to other genders. Use examples and even a case study to support your thoughts. 

Answer Below:

Treated Unfairly Treating every person fairly and with utmost respect is extremely important. However, every environment follows a different way to treat a person based on their experiences and perceptions. An incident that I witnessed in my organization stays strong in my mind and I’d like to share about it. The organization that I worked at had a requirement to hire a new customer relationship manager to handle queries of the client. While the job description did not specify any information related to gender or sexual orientation or ethnicity or race, the interview did display strong discrimination. Since the company works as per Equal Employment Opportunities policy, it had hired a Black employee to handle its customers. As soon as the Black employee took charge, she was treated unfairly. For instance, other employees had not communicated with her for long since they had assumed that she lacked knowledge or the interest to listen to them. On the other hand, her wages were purposefully reduced and not paid on time. Whenever she requested for receipt of wages, she was denied and not heard to. Going forward, there was serious discrimination seen which brought her down. After being humiliated regularly, she wrote to the management of the organization to ask for justice. However, racism continued to exist within the organization. It is evident that workplace racism has spoiled the potential for equity. This also created a toxic culture. According to Livingston (2020), racial inequity can develop in an organization if other team members had not accepted to inclusion. The lack of consensus can let a new person remain vulnerable. On the other hand, the organization might not have the desired resource to handle people of color. As a result, it might be in a position to lose a stand whenever the person raises a complaint. When there are insufficient diversity initiatives, it can result in lack of awareness. There are three solutions that the organization can implement at this stage. The first solution is to promote awareness on the importance of diversity and associated values that can enhance the strength of the firm. The second solution is to include diversity in the organizational culture. As Livingston (2020) highlighted, when the culture displays poor recruitment effort, the outcome can be affected as well. The final solution is to invest time, energy, and resources to include diversity. This can be even practical and reach the vision. Reference Livingston, R. (2020). How to promote racial equity in the workplace. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2020/09/how-to-promote-racial-equity-in-the-workplace Unequal Treatment in Profession Gender stereotypes are predominant in society and on several walks of life since early ages. While things are changing for good, stereotypes still exist on some or other forms. For instance, Beard et al. (2020) mentioned the prominent stereotypes in media and entertainment industry. While some companies tend to give a better representation to woman, there are still firms underrepresenting women and not giving them the attention they deserve. It is evident that it has taken a long time to let gender barriers to come down. The most common reason is lack of acceptance. There was little to no acceptance among people in society when women are highlighted in main pages. Several men had to deny and eliminate this chance open to women. On the other hand, gender barriers also existed because such industries were unaware of skills and competencies of women. The underestimation is yet another reason for gender barriers to evolve and exist. At the first place, these continued to exist because of stereotypes passed by people in ancient ages. For instance, early generations treated women to be incapable and restricted them within house premises. Their skills were never tapped. As a result, none were aware of what a woman can do. The situation went worse when people of color demanded their rights in the media industry. This is because they experienced utmost discrimination even when other women gained the limelight. Beard et al. (2020) mention that highest positions in media and entertainment contain women occupying only 27% of C-suite positions. More women are seen at the entry level but as they progress, there is limited resistance of the management to accept them at managerial positions. With things changing in the world, Beard et al. (2020) mention that women are twice represented than men in entertainment industry adding up to their job satisfaction rates. Women are deprived of advanced opportunities. A report by McKinsey & Company highlighted that men have more advancement opportunities compared to women in the entertainment industry. This will have to change to avoid wrongful judgments and biased behaviors of organizations. On the other hand, the representation and acceptance of men and women in magazines will help in better acceptance among people. This can upgrade industry benchmarks. The need of the hour is that more magazines might have to come forward to portray women in their editions. Reference Beard, L., Dunn, J., Huang, J. (2020). Shattering the glass screen. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/technology-media-and-telecommunications/our- insights/shattering-the-glass-screen

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