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Question.4097 - ?Assignment One: Installing SPSS and loading ACS datasets Name: Click here to enter text.Use APA style and formatting for all assignments, references, and citations if needed. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/ . Please, follow direction below. Where applicable write your answer and/or paste in an image file. Install SPSS on the computer you will be using for this course. Download the American Community Survey 2018-2022 dataset found under course materials. You will need this dataset for most, if not all, of your assignments. Download the DEMO.sav file from the companion website for the text: https://study.sagepub.com/node/22312/student-resources/data-sets Follow the steps in chapter four of your text for the demonstrations using the demo file. Open the American Community Survey 2018-2022 in SPSS: Open the “variables dialog box,” and select the variable “pincp”. Pincp is the income variable for ACS we are using. Insert a screenshot below. If you need to know how to take a screen shot, check out this quick video (skip the ad)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTTcGIzeJwA Given the value labels for pincp, what kind of measurement is the income variable you are viewing? Nominal, ordinal, or interval/ratio? Hint: You can also use the variable view in SPSS to see what kind of variable it is in SPSS. Scale variables are either interval or ratio. I have updated these to help you. What does the variable pincp measure? You can look this up in SPSS, but I suggest looking it up in the data dictionary available in course materials on page 98.

Answer Below:

Assignment One: Installing SPSS and loading ACS datasets Name: Markida MitchellUse APA style and formatting for all assignments, references, and citations if needed. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/ . Please, follow direction below. Where applicable write your answer and/or paste in an image file. Install SPSS on the computer you will be using for this course. Download the American Community Survey 2018-2022 dataset found under course materials. You will need this dataset for most, if not all, of your assignments. Download the DEMO.sav file from the companion website for the text: https://study.sagepub.com/node/22312/student-resources/data-sets Follow the steps in chapter four of your text for the demonstrations using the demo file. Open the American Community Survey 2018-2022 in SPSS:?Open the variables dialog box,?and select the variable pincp. Pincp is the income variable for ACS we are using. Insert a screenshot below. If you need to know how to take a screen shot, check out this quick video (skip the ad)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTTcGIzeJwA Given the value labels for pincp, what kind of measurement is the income variable you are viewing? Nominal, ordinal, or interval/ratio? Hint: You can also use the variable view in SPSS to see what kind of variable it is in SPSS. Scale variables are either interval or ratio. I have updated these to help you. Solution: The Pincp is interval/ratio. What does the variable pincp measure? You can look this up in SPSS, but I suggest looking it up in the data dictionary available in course materials on page 98.Solution: The variable Pincp is a numeric variable. It measures the total persons income.

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