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Question.4060 - Discussion Board Seven: Midterm Prep We’ve covered a lot of terms and analyses. Just take a look:  Terms: Theory,  concept, variables, hypothesis, dependent variable, independent variable, deductive research, inductive research,  sampling error, validity, reliability, levels of measurement, nominal variables, ordinal variables, interval variables, ratio variables, discrete variables, continuous variables,  positive association, negative association, demographics, longitudinal data, ceiling effect, floor effect, measures of association, direction of association, and others.  Analyses: descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, mean, median, mode, variance, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, bar chart, pie chart, histogram, line chart, univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, cross-tabulation, frequency,  association, strength of association, 10-percentage point rule, Epsilon, proportionate reduction of error, Lambda, Gamma and others.  As we prepare for your first midterm, look over these lists. Choose at least one term and one analysis that has been tough for you and write about the following  for each :  The name of the term/analysis.   What is tough for you to understand about it?  What have you found to help you understand it better?  As you might guess, your responses to others are going to be really important this week. You will likely find that some people have found the same terms or analyses tough. You will also likely find those who are having trouble with terms or analyses you find easy. Help them by showing them what you did to understand.   Give each other input on what you did to improve your understanding of the terms and analyses.  If you find that you disagree with anything or need clarification on a term or analysis, then email me and ask me to look it over and help answer questions.   

Answer Below:

The name of the term/analysis.   Gamma What is tough for you to understand about it?  I found Gamma to be challenging to understand the analysis. It is often used in statistics to determine the association between ordinal variables. I found it tough to decide on the strength and direction of the association. What have you found to help you understand it better?  I found the textbook very helpful, and the below link https://real-statistics.com/correlation/gamma-association/#:~:text=Basic%20Concepts,when%20the%20relationship%20is%20negative. very helpful to better understand. References Gamma Measure of Association | Real Statistics Using Excel. (2023). Real-Statistics.com. https://real-statistics.com/correlation/gamma-association/ ‌Babbie, E. R., Halley, F., & Zaino, J. (2022). Adventures in social research (Eleventh Edition). Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications. 11th edition.  

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