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Question.4102 - Assignment Five: Using Gamma to analyze and interpret associations between two ordinal variables Part I: Use APA style and formatting for all assignments, references, and citations. Yes, have a cover page, too, as well as a running head. Try Purdue Owl for an example APA style paper: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/ Part II: Gamma and bivariate analysis (cross tabulation) of two ordinal variables Using the ACS 2018-2022 dataset recode schl into a new variable called schlcat. This information is all in chapter seven, and you should have a better and better understanding of how to recode from past assignments, your readings, and the videos. Now let’s change the schl values into schlcat values as follows. Your new variable will be called schlcat. If you are having trouble remembering how to recode variables, go back to chapter seven to study how to recode variables. There is also a step-by-step recoding document in course materials. We are recoding the values for schl listed in the ACS data dictionary starting on page 44, also available in course materials, in case you want to see what the values mean that we are recoding. Use the values I have entered below. Click continue when you finish. Then, click OK to transform the variable. I strongly encourage you to look at the data dictionary -50482518351400 2895600128270 Save your data set with the new variable schlcat. You save this because you might be asked to use it again, like inccat in this assignment and in a past assignment. First change the measure to ordinal. Now, let’s put some labels on those numbers so we know what they mean. Click on the values box for schlcat. 08255000 58274045743Change measure to ordinal 020000Change measure to ordinal 40192661831172371725175895 In the box that pops up, see below, enter the following variable values and labels. 017018000 Value=1, Label=Less than H.S. Value=2, Label=High School Value=3, Label=Some College Value=4, Label=Bachelor’s Degree Value=5, Label=Graduate Degree Notice under variable view that SPSS has tried to sense or defaults the new variable measures. Those default measures are incorrect. We need to change them. We know that our new variable agecat is ordinal, inccat is ordinal, occat is nominal, and schlcat is ordinal. Change the measures by clicking into the boxes and choosing the correct measure. This is new, right? Many of you might have been relying on SPSS up until now to tell you what kind of measure a variable is. Well, SPSS tries to sense it, but it is not always correct. You need to know which measure to choose for each variable. 0317500000339090010204450 400050022225 Run frequency tables for inccat and your recoded schlcat variable, under statistics click on mode. You may run each frequency table separately or at the same time. I have done mine at the same time so the mode is presented for both variables in the same table. Make sure to turn on your weight variable before the analysis. The weight variable is called “pwgtp.” Copy and paste the frequency tables and the table that presents the mode. Yes, I know you have run the frequency table for inccat before. Please, do it anyway and think of it as good practice. What kind of measure is inccat and schlcat now that you recoded each of them (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio)? Hint: they have to both be ordinal to use Gamma as a measure of association. I had you recode these variables so both would be ordinal. J inccat: schlcat: What is the mode for each variable? inccat: schlcat: What does each mode tell us about each variable? Write a full sentence for each variable describing what the variable mode means. Which one is your independent variable, which one is your dependent variable? Independent: Dependent: Follow the directions for demonstration 13.2 in your text except you will use schlcat and inccat as your variables. Make sure your weight variable is turned on. The independent variable goes in the column so you need to know which is which. Copy and paste the crosstabulation table and the symmetric measures tables. If one of the tables goes outside of the margins, then select the table, right click, go to autofit and select autofit to window. What is the value of Gamma? Complete this sentence, knowing the education level; of a person allows us to predict his or her income level____% more accurately. Would you say that the association between schlcat and incat is weaker or stronger? How come? Unlike Lambda, Gamma not only indicates the strength of an association, but it also indicates what? Is Gamma for our analysis positive or negative? Complete this sentence by choosing either increases or decreases: As schlcat increases inccat (increases/decreases). Complete this sentence by choosing either increases or decreases: As schlcat decreases inccat (increases/decreases). Required bonus question/you must answer and will receive up to five extra points: Make some concluding statements about the relationship between amount of education and income. These should be complete sentences where you practice reporting the SPSS analyses, the numbers, using precise language.

Answer Below:

Assignment Five: Using Gamma to analyze and interpret associations between two ordinal variables Part I: Use APA style and formatting for all assignments, references, and citations. Yes, have a cover page, too, as well as a running head. Try Purdue Owl for an example APA style paper: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/ Part II: Gamma and bivariate analysis (cross tabulation) of two ordinal variables Using the ACS 2018-2022 dataset recode schl into a new variable called schlcat. This information is all in chapter seven, and you should have a better and better understanding of how to recode from past assignments, your readings, and the videos. Now lets change the schl values into schlcat values as follows. Your new variable will be called schlcat. If you are having trouble remembering how to recode variables, go back to chapter seven to study how to recode variables. There is also a step-by-step recoding document in course materials. We are recoding the values for schl listed in the ACS data dictionary starting on page 44, also available in course materials, in case you want to see what the values mean that we are recoding. Use the values I have entered below. Click continue when you finish. Then, click OK to transform the variable. I strongly encourage you to look at the data dictionary -50482518351400 2895600128270 Save your data set with the new variable schlcat. You save this because you might be asked to use it again, like inccat in this assignment and in a past assignment. First change the measure to ordinal. Now, lets put some labels on those numbers so we know what they mean. Click on the values box for schlcat. 08255000 58274045743Change measure to ordinal 020000Change measure to ordinal 40192661831172371725175895 In the box that pops up, see below, enter the following variable values and labels. 017018000 Value=1, Label=Less than H.S. Value=2, Label=High School Value=3, Label=Some College Value=4, Label=Bachelors Degree Value=5, Label=Graduate Degree Notice under variable view that SPSS has tried to sense or defaults the new variable measures. Those default measures are incorrect. We need to change them. We know that our new variable agecat is ordinal, inccat is ordinal, occat is nominal, and schlcat is ordinal. Change the measures by clicking into the boxes and choosing the correct measure. This is new, right? Many of you might have been relying on SPSS up until now to tell you what kind of measure a variable is. Well, SPSS tries to sense it, but it is not always correct. You need to know which measure to choose for each variable. 0317500000339090010204450 400050022225 Run frequency tables for inccat and your recoded schlcat variable, under statistics click on mode. You may run each frequency table separately or at the same time. I have done mine at the same time so the mode is presented for both variables in the same table. Make sure to turn on your weight variable before the analysis. The weight variable is called pwgtp. Copy and paste the frequency tables and the table that presents the mode. Yes, I know you have run the frequency table for inccat before. Please, do it anyway and think of it as good practice. What kind of measure is inccat and schlcat now that you recoded each of them (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio)? Hint: they have to both be ordinal to use Gamma as a measure of association. I had you recode these variables so both would be ordinal. ? inccat: Ordinal schlcat: Ordinal What is the mode for each variable? inccat: 2 schlcat: 3 What does each mode tell us about each variable? Write a full sentence for each variable describing what the variable mode means. The mode of 2 in inccat tells that the most frequently occurred in the income category is category 2, which tells that most of the income is between $25000 to $49999. The mode of 3 in schlcat variables tells that the most common education level is category 3 which tells that most of the respondents have studied in some college. Which one is your independent variable, which one is your dependent variable? Independent: schlcat Dependent: inccat Follow the directions for demonstration 13.2 in your text except you will use schlcat and inccat as your variables. Make sure your weight variable is turned on. The independent variable goes in the column so you need to know which is which. Copy and paste the crosstabulation table and the symmetric measures tables. If one of the tables goes outside of the margins, then select the table, right click, go to autofit and select autofit to window. What is the value of Gamma? .532 Complete this sentence, knowing the education level; of a person allows us to predict his or her income level_53.2___% more accurately. Would you say that the association between schlcat and incat is weaker or stronger? How come? The association between schlcat and incat is stronger as the value of Gamma is closer to +1. Unlike Lambda, Gamma not only indicates the strength of an association, but it also indicates what? Direction Is Gamma for our analysis positive or negative? Positive Complete this sentence by choosing either increases or decreases: As schlcat increases inccat (increases/decreases). increases Complete this sentence by choosing either increases or decreases: As schlcat decreases inccat (increases/decreases). decreases Required bonus question/you must answer and will receive up to five extra points: Make some concluding statements about the relationship between amount of education and income. These should be complete sentences where you practice reporting the SPSS analyses, the numbers, using precise language. There is positive relationship between the two ordinal variables education attainment and (schlcat) and income level (inccat), with a Gamma value of .532. As the level of education increases , the income level will increase and as the level of education is very less, the income level will decrease. Based on the education attainment, we can predict the income 53.2% accurately.

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