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Question.1739 - This is an individual assignment worth 160 points or 16% of your final grade. In this activity you will choose the "course" that you will use as a basis for all of the activities this semester. Let's look at the course you have been asked to teach (or would like to teach in the future). In this assignment, it is required that you select ONE "course" that you are teaching or might teach and complete ALL activities related to that "course." You will continue to use the same course as we go through each assignment. Let me define "course." In the collegiate sense, a course is generally organized content which meets in-person for three contact hours per week for 16 weeks. Does this model or definition fit all settings and areas? NO, it does not. In many schools, a district-wide or college-wide definition will be in place, while in industry the definition may be closely tied with contact hours. Each will require their own framework that must comply with a curriculum, program or company vision/mission. This "course" must be at least 20 contact hours, so you have enough to work with during our class. You will NOT be developing an entire course, rather you will be concentrating on major aspects of a course--relax a little. Right now you may be wondering what to do because, for many of you, this is NEW territory. I understand--you are NOT expected to know everything BEFORE you take this course (the one for which you are enrolled). Upon completion, you will have prepared a lesson, unit or section of a "course." And, you will be prepared to teach or train in that area. Think of your broad occupation and courses spread throughout a program. A further course division may be "units" covered within the course which are then divided into "lessons" as parts of units. Multiple lessons make up a unit. Multiple units make up a course. Multiple courses make up a program.. That is a working definition for us. Generally, as teachers, we know the content, we may know who we will teach or we may already be familiar with the facilities, but we are not always able to start at one specific place and complete all aspects in a linear fashion. Let's be realistic about teaching--it doesn't work in a linear fashion. And that is okay, as long as all the parts "fit." What makes you an expert in your area? Only you can answer that based on your background. The Web, your co-workers, or your peers in this course will not give you the answer as to your background expertise. Only you can determine what to write; this is an individually developed activity. What are you prepared for and eligible to teach? If you don't feel any expertise, then what do you want to teach and be an expert in ? Most of us, as new vocational education teachers, do not have to select courses to teach--they are assigned to us. Within Workforce Education (http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/) , there are hundreds of courses listed. Some courses, within a broad area, you will be eligible to teach because of your unique occupational experience and education. Your eligibility to teach a course is also contingent upon the school district criteria. You must access the following "Frameworks" website and select ONE course that you will work on this semester. Be sure to first select the broad area, then ONLY ONE course. You will find the Curriculum Frameworks at: Workforce Education Frameworks. (http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/) Grading Rubric Use these headings in your posting. 1. TITLE & DESCRIPTION (of proposed "course") - (10 points) You are to Cite this with in-text citation and reference page 2. WEB URL from Frameworks website - (10 points) 3. MY COMPETENCE--( Why you feel competent in teaching this course. Write 300 - 350 words) - (30 points) If you don't think that you're competent please write why you feel you want to be, what would make you competent and what you would like to learn. 4. WHO ARE MY STUDENTS/TRAINEES and WHAT IS THE SETTING Describe who will be in your course, be specific. Are they adult, high school, middle school students? Industry trainees? Or are they some hybrid of student populations? What age group are your students? What generation are they from? Does the age or generation affect the way you will present the material? Think of things like the socioeconomic level of your students, their other responsibilities outside of school and the physical/emotional/academic abilities or disabilities that may affect how your class is presented. Would learner centered teaching methods be appropriate? Why or why not? Discuss the setting for your "course." Does it take place in a technical center, a high school, on a job site, at a public library, in a laboratory? What factors having to do with the setting will you need to be aware of as you plan your course? Describe in detail what you know (or need to know) about the setting in which you will or do teach or train. Describe the overall setting and the specific classroom or laboratory for this course? How much space is available, or should be, to teach this course? Are there any equipment needs? Supplies, storage? Be as detailed as you can27/10/2023, 15:01 ECT 3365 Module 1 Assignment Instructions & Rubric: ECT3365-23Fall 0W61 https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/1437353/pages/ect-3365-module-1-assignment-instructions-and-rubric?module_item_id=17146274 2/2 (Write 300 - 350 words - (40 points) 5. RELEVANCE TO WORK- List what your students need to learn in order to do the job for which they are training. Think about an entry-level employee in your occupational area. What should they know how to do to be a good candidate for hiring? What skills would make them a valued employee? What are the traits that make a good employee in your field? Think about the skills you had when you first started in your industry. Are there things you wish you had known before getting the job? Are there things you already knew that helped you become successful in your field? If you were hiring someone new out of a training program or you were interviewing candidates for advancement in your area of expertise, what are the abilities that you would look for. These things should guide the way you set up the training in your "course." Your posting for this section should be at 400 words. - (50 points) For all assignments in this class, you will upload your submission to the Module assignment page. A note for clarification: Questions 3, 4, and 5 should each have paragraphs. Paragraphs are 3-5 sentences long. Your word count is how you are graded so make sure that each section meets the required amount. 6. APA 7: REQUIRED for assignments: Cover page, page numbers, double space, 12 pt font, paragraphs indented, in-text citations with a stand alone Reference page with properly formatted references. Make sure your headers are in caps and bold please. Do not cite my and do not include directions or word count on your paper please. (10 points) 7. Peer Reply - one peer reply (everyone should have a peer reply) 75 words of thoughtful work please. (10 Points) Be sure to post your work as an original reply to this assignment (not as a reply to a peers' work). If you have any questions about how to do this, please email your instructor.

Answer Below:

Title and description The title of the course that I will teach is Strategic Teaching Approaches towards Equipping Student Proficiency Based on Individual Instructional Preferences Pursuing Career and Technical Education. The title of the course is aimed at providing students with the necessary resources and help they need while pursuing career and technical education based on their own needs (Bendanillo et al. 2023). This course is chosen after considering the different requirements students enrolled in such courses need to meet properly. I want to be a teacher who understands and helps them pursue their dreams by giving them individual instructional preferences. My competence I have chosen this course to teach as I feel that I am competent enough to take on this role. However, it is also true that some competencies are required for me to develop to be fully skilled at this job. I acknowledge the fact that I will have to fill in the role well and for that, I need to develop more skills, over the tones which I have developed already. The reason why I think I am competent enough to take on this role is because as a teacher who is inclined towards individual instructional preference need to be a critical thinker (Carroll et al. 2019). Strong critical thinking skills enable me to identify which students need mentorship more than others and help me in finding their best interests. My self-awareness towards this need helps me to critically think in the environment I am placed in. Another reason why feel competent to take up this job is I have essential communication skills. My communication skills are good in written, verbal, and non-verbal forms of communication. I am also competent in clearly presenting my concepts in a way that can be understood by the students. This will truly be useful in individual instruction preferences. Moreover, I am also good at creative thinking. Throughout my career, my role has taught me to be able to creatively think so I can stimulate learning among my students. Through the use of creative channels and creative media, I will be able to appreciate unconventional and creative ideas through which I can inspire learning among all students. These qualities have also taught me how to be a strong leader. It has enabled me to handle responsibilities and I am well sure that it will also help in understanding and leading my students (Kilag et al. 2023). Along with this, I will need to learn organizational skills. As a teacher, I have learned to be organized with my duties but I still have difficulty in organizing. Who are the students? What is the setting? In this course, there will be students who do not find themselves fitting in the ordinary teaching environment. The students who do not have the resources for individual instructions at their own homes and tuition can find instructions under my mentorship. At the same time, students who genuinely have problems understanding concepts related to their studies can find mentorship under my work. My students will mostly comprise young adults and middle-aged adults who are undergoing career and technical education. The age group which I am mostly focusing on ranges from 20-35. This is the age group that needs the most focus as they have creative thinking regarding the concepts they have been taught regarding technical education. Hence, it can be said that the students who will be taught me will consist of a hybrid population, with people coming from different age groups preparing for the same study. My student population will be made up of people who cannot adjust to other people in the normal classroom scenario (Ladan, 2023). To be clearer, this classroom will consist of a population that has responsibilities outside of school, whether it is to go to work or part-time jobs or full-time jobs, which means it is difficult for them to adjust to normal classroom settings which takes consideration of the entire population. This small group, of the entire population, will be taught in my class and they will be taught with creative styles that understand their needs and modify concepts to their understanding (Tharpe, 2022). Some of these students may learn slightly slower than other students from the herd and hence they would find comfort in learning under my guidance. Relevance to the work Through my teaching, I aim to provide guidance and skills to the students so they acquire jobs for what they wish for. For having an entry-level position in my occupational area or for any jobs the students are preparing for. They need to develop soft skills along with developing technical skills. My teaching will bear relevance to their training and occupational roles as they will learn to communicate. Communicating their needs, and their doubts as well as communicating their clarity of thought will exhibit them as confident individuals while pursuing their career goals and in this industry. Communication is one of the most crucial aspects of working in this field. After communication, adaptability is another significant skill that needs to be developed. In this industry, the work dynamic is always changing and there is always a new challenge that needs to be tackled. As an entry-level employee or someone new, having adaptability is going to help them adjust to new and challenging situations and will also help them to creatively implement their technical skills to get their desired results (Nykyporets & Chopliak, 2023). Again, no matter what the level of job, every employee needs to develop problem-solving skills. Problem-solving skills help to increase productivity in the workplace because they give the employees the ability to process and provide a solution for it. Problem-solving skills are also one of the skills that I had to learn when I first joined the industry. I had to learn from experience and solve different problems that were presented to me. This profession requires every person at every level of position to be able to solve problems and queries in the most organized way possible. Organization is also a key factor that entry-level employees need to develop if they need to get hired. The organization helps employees to manage their time and maintain a work-life balance. This has relevance to my work because organization begins at the very stage of learning. When people are at their learning stage, organization helps in their learning. So when they become employees, it becomes easier to become more organized for them. These skills are very necessary to learn for anyone who wants to join an entry-level job in my industry. These skills will help employees present better develop confidence in their jobs and stand apart from the crowd.   References Bendanillo, A. A., Arcadio, S. M. N., Yongco, J. M. A., Arcadio, R. D., & Arcadio, J. R. N. (2023). Enhancing Technical Proficiency and Industry Readiness: A Comprehensive Diploma Program for Engineering Technology. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN NONFORMAL EDUCATION, 3(7), 20-44. https://www.inovatus.es/index.php/ejine/article/view/1834 Carroll, M., Shaw, S., & Schrader, P. (2019, November). Virtual reality for career and technical education. In E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1355-1363). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/p/212963/ Kilag, O. K., Miñoza, J., Comighud, E., Amontos, C., Damos, M., & Abendan, C. F. (2023). Empowering Teachers: Integrating Technology into Livelihood Education for a Digital Future. Excellencia: International Multi-disciplinary Journal of Education, 1(1), 30-41. http://multijournals.org/index.php/excellencia-imje/article/view/3 Ladan, I. A. (2023). Deterioration of Vocational Education in Nigerian Secondary Schools: An Overview from the Human Resource Perspective. Current Perspectives in Educational Research, 6(1), 19-31. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/212963/ Nykyporets, S., & Chopliak, V. (2023). Pedagogical strategies for cognitive empowerment: approaches to enhance analytical proficiency in technical university students. Grail of Science, (31), 372-382. https://archive.journal-grail.science/index.php/2710-3056/article/view/1615 Tharpe, G. E. (2022). Career and Technical Education: Developing a Well-Equipped Workforce (Doctoral dissertation, Gardner-Webb University). https://www.proquest.com/openview/ee9b8a486a5118d2b6ee6a771e0fdabf/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y  

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