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Question.706 - The workload in this class is heavy. Sometimes students cannot see how they will get through all of the assignments. God will give us the strength that we need to endure. Consider the following scriptures: I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13, NIV). 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39, NIV). Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9, NIV). While we live in the Lord’s teachings and scripture, how do we do this effectively in this very challenging world that we live in? How do you find a way to manage around this so that you can serve the Lord with conviction?

Answer Below:

During Christ's?earthly ministry, Peter inquired, "Lord, how often shall my brother offend over me, yet I excuse him?" "I declare not unto thee, Until seven times, rather until seventy times seven," Jesus said in?Matthew chapter?18, verses 21 to 22. People may welcome greater serenity and compassion throughout their personal existence whenever they openly provide compassion to everyone. Whilst also, for?instance, Jesus encouraged us to frequently worship God, our Heavenly Father. Jesus cares about us. He is standing by to assist us. Connect with Jesus via worship, convey appreciation, and request what we require. Being patient and kind to people that oppose them. Consider risk and a plunge of belief whenever you really realize their true calling, goal, or passion they have for Jesus while God could lead them out of the challenge. People?could perhaps not reach there right away; however, you'll reach there eventually by reading the word of God and making it into a habit. The quest ultimately includes happiness and fulfillment of the purpose that God has for us. The rest is only embellishment. This is more intuitive for people to fight back whenever they are being challenged by trouble or problems. It's challenging not to respond. Consider the astonishment whenever people?bring them closer to God,?such as stated in Matthew chapter 13, verses 44 to 46, "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it." PRs Hi, great post; However, Have you ever thought of how we push our boundaries during hardship? As we are supposed to go constantly strive?beyond the call of duty; as Matthew chapter 5, verses 40 to 42 states, Hand over the cloak if somebody wishes to fight to law against you about your tunic.?If anyone forces people to serve for one mile, go alongside him for another. Share to those who seek, and do not turn away those who wish to lend.? Constantly going the additional mile in our work, career, relationships, devotion, appreciating what we have?for others, and all else we undertake. Strive for perfection in all that we do. Believe in Jesus Christ that's all we need, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, rather have eternal life," says John chapter?3 verse 16. Faith in Jesus Christ entails accepting in Him and His message for us. This will benefit everyone both now as in the future. Throughout Jesus Preaching on the Mount, Jesus preached the Basic Principle: "Moreover, all things whosoever you desire that men would do to oneself, do ye even so to others,"?Matthew chapter?7 verse 12. Meaning that we ought to treat others how we would like to be regarded. People?will deepen personal connections and be happy as a result. ----------- Hello Everyone,? A case analysis has many elements that are complemented by the information that is researched and we need to have a foundation based on financials. That is why the financial ratios are important. How do we measure the value of financial ratios in a case? What is the value of financial ratios to a case analysis? After several case analyses throughout the course and handling a large dataset over two years simultaneously week after week, Financial ratios enable businesses to assess the industry's effectiveness and evaluate similar to other firms in their field; the firms tend to get an overview over their performance through a specific period, this enables them to mitigate the risks better and come with comprehensive interventions. Hence, Financial Ratios quantify the link among several financial statement segments. Financial assessments are especially useful whenever comparing outcomes over many time intervals. That enables customers to track the firm's progress throughout a period and spot potential problems. Financial ratio analysis for the business firm may give us with useful details on revenue, stability, productivity, and other areas; as we all participated in weekly assignments, we were gaining so many details while handling financial data of particular firms. These ratios might assist investors in visualizing how the organization has grown throughout a period. While assessing financial details, we may also contrast the corporation's economic numbers to the market average to determine how they stack up against other companies in a similar field. Prs Hi, according to my experience and understanding from the weekly case analysis, I would like to state that inflation tends to create a reduced bargaining capability, inflation's foremost evident effect is because it reduces the disposable income in terms to spending for liabilities or asset building. If people can't even buy the several products and services as they could during inflationary situation, the standard of livelihood would deteriorate. Reduced disposable income is especially damaging to those who are presently struggling financially. Expenses are lower, if growing food expenses are chewing into their budget further than usual, they are definitely not placing quite so much income into preservation accounts than one should be. Products and services lost; several businesses perform effectively throughout periods of inflation, especially those where people can't put off purchasing permanently. References Barro, R. J. (1995). Inflation and economic growth.

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