Question.1740 - Assignment Instructions One of the very first questions is always--"do I need to know this" or "will this be on the test" or "how important is this"???? However, we would never ask these questions because we are adult learners and want to learn everything! Right? Just in case you ever get asked these or similar questions, or because it is the right thing to do, a specific grading criteria must be listed in the T/LP (Syllabus) and provided to each student at the beginning of the course. This would be a good time to review the grading plan for this course, it is listed under Grading Criteria which is located in the Syllabus. Our grading procedure and scale tell you exactly what is important, how much weight each items is given, and how many points it takes to achieve certain grades. In our courses, we do not use a norm-referenced curve; the groups are too small, not heterogeneous enough, and most importantly we do not agree with the use philosophically. Philosophy toward teaching is really important. Of course, now is not the activity for that discussion; however, your philosophy toward learning is reflected in your T/LP. Most schools or school districts or community colleges have a general grading policy and even a specific scale in some cases. Still, there is room for change within your course. The categories and items within each may vary by occupational area or discipline and certainly by student objectives. You may have some of these broad categories: skills mastery attitudes or values knowledge Within these categories may be: observations checklists practice real world work use of equipment quizzes exams homework in-class activities projects simulations other types of assessment. IMPORTANT! Both the type and weight of assessment is dependent upon student objectives. Students and employers will notice if your objectives are predominately skill based and your assessment is strictly examinations. For this aspect of the activity, you will be asked to develop a broad plan for grading your course, even if all the details are not there yet. Grading Rubric This activity is worth 160 points or 16% or your course grade. The following components are required in the final product--the Teaching/Learning Plan for this activity: GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION including: LEARNERS LEARNING ENVIRONMENT STUDENT PERFORMANCE COMPETENCIES (written in SWBAT format) GRADING FORMAT REFERENCES For this activity I have designed a specific format for completion. Please follow the format or the activity will be returned and not graded. You may want to copy & paste this format into your word processing file for use as an outline. This is an individual activity. You may discuss general aspects of the topic with any members of this class in the Activity 2 Discussion Area, and then complete the activity as an individual. This activity is to be posted in the Discussion Area entitled "Activity 2" by the due date listed in the Schedule. Check the grading rubric for this assignment. There is a link to the rubric in the Activity 2 Discussion area. Format Using a word processing program copy & paste the headings into an outline. Use this list CAPITALIZED just as below: GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION27/10/2023, 15:03 ECT 3365 Module 2 Instructions & Rubric: ECT3365-23Fall 0W61 2/3 LEARNERS LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (not the same as physical setting described in Act. 1) STUDENT PERFORMANCE COMPETENCIES (written in SWBAT format) GRADING FORMAT REFERENCES Under each heading begin typing the requested information. Use only these headings--capitalized, no bold or italics or underline. Use spacing between each HEADING. This really is important in all activities. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION (10 points) Using the course selected from Florida Department of Education Frameworks or using a "course" list from your training site, select one course (Activity 1). Copy and paste (unless you really want to retype) the following information: Course title Description (or some type of overview) Credits (if listed as such) or length in hours You cited this in your first assignment so make sure to copy and paste the in-text citation also and don't forget to put it on your reference page. LEARNERS (20 points) You explored this in Activity 1. You may use some of the websites listed in the lecture as a start and then do your own research to find the characteristics of the students who would likely take your course. Use what you wrote in Activity 1 and any knowledge you have about the learners. Then validate or clarify characteristics by completing a modest Web search. Instead of using Google, use the UCF library tools link on the left hand side of this screen. Find a resource there. The more you know about your learners the better. Therefore, this section requires some researching on your part--take it seriously. Use the resources like Ask a Librarian on the UCF library page. Take the tutorial if you don't already know how to do a library search. Again, NO GOOGLE SEARCHES. This is scholarly work you are doing. (at least 300 words in length). No additional headings or subheadings-please. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (30 points) In Activity 1, you described the physical setting of your "course." This section is not about the physical setting; it is about the learning environment that you will create to assure that the students are able to succeed in your class. How will the learners be supported? How will you address the different learning styles that your students have. What will you do to address the needs of visual learners, auditory learners, kinesthetic learners? ( How will you address cultural differences, age differences, learning disabilities, physical disabilities. Explain in at least 300 words. STUDENT PERFORMANCE COMPETENCIES (40 points) What skills do you want the students to be able to perform after taking your class? You began writing about this in Activity 1. Now that you have learned more about the psychomotor, affective and cognitive domains, take what you wrote in Activity 1 and compose the objectives that would be included in your T/LP or syllabus for the "course." Look at the competencies listed on the FLDOE site for the "course" you have selected; use these as a guide. Be sure to reference the site. You will note that some statements are not in the complete format as was explained earlier. All of your objectives should be written in the proper SWBAT format and be observable and measurable. Write your objectives in SWBAT format (student will be able to...) . Click here for examples of how to write objectives ( . Again, objectives should be observable and measurable. If I say the student will know how to correctly align a widget, can I really measure whether or not they "know"? Perhaps it would be better to say the student will be able to demonstrate the proper alignment of a widget. I can measure (or assess) their demonstration by watching them do the alignment. Watch the video below to find more about writing measurable objectives. GRADING FORMAT (30 points)27/10/2023, 15:03 ECT 3365 Module 2 Instructions & Rubric: ECT3365-23Fall 0W61 3/3 What grading scale will you use? List the components which should be, or are, included in the course grade. Also, differentiate the weighting by component. Again, describe and list all that should be included in the assessment. These are not usually found in the DOE lists. REFERENCES (10 points) If you didn't write it, cite it! If you are not the original author of something that appears in this paper, you must provide a full APA style citation for the source. Simply providing a web link is NOT enough. A complete citation includes: last name of author, first initial. (year of publication). Title of article or Web site - URL address. APA format is required. APA Formatting explained. ( This is a wonderful resource for help with formatting APA references. ( I must be able to find your sources. (if I copy it into the library search tool, it should pop right up) Please include a complete citation to receive all of the points for references. ***Here's a little secret that I will share with you. When you use the UCF Library Tools to find an article, your references will be provided to you in the listing. Your scholarly life will take on new and magical dimensions when you learn how to use all the tools available to you through the UCF Library...and it is all FREE! APA 7: REQUIRED for assignments: Cover page, page numbers, double space, 12 pt font, paragraphs indented, in-text citations with a stand alone Reference page with properly formatted references. Make sure your headers are in caps please. Do not cite me and do not include directions or word count on your paper please. (10 points) Peer Reply - one peer reply (everyone should have a peer reply) 75 words of thoughtful work please. (10 Points) Discussions do not need a reference or in-text citation however if you do use one - make sure to cite and reference. Posting the completed activity For all assignments in this class, you will upload your submissions on the Assignment Page (next page).
Answer Below:
Teaching/Learning Plan GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION The area that has been selected from those mentioned in the Florida Department of Education Curriculum Framework is Career and Technical Education. The course title is Continuing Workforce Education and its type is Career Preparatory. The career cluster that this program belongs to is Workforce Education. The grade level taken into consideration is 30, 31. The length of this program is multiple hours and has not been specified in the Curriculum Framework because it varies based on locally defined training requirements. The course’s purpose is to provide students with instructions but it does not lead to the provision of a vocational certificate, associate in science degree, diploma, or associate in applied science degree. Therefore, even the content of the course varies based on the student and industry needs. This program also offers technical skill proficiency along with applied learning based on individual competencies. Thus through this program, students will be able to gain academic knowledge, problem-solving, general employability, occupational-specific, technical, and higher-order reasoning skills. It will also contribute to the work attitudes and insights of the students regarding all aspects of the career cluster (Florida Department of Education, 2023). LEARNERS The students who would likely take the course of Continuing Workforce Education are those who are pursuing Career and Technical Education and want to develop proficiency in related skills. Since this program is a planned sequence of instructions, individuals with specific requirements shall only be eligible to pursue this course. Herein, personnel having the requirement of acquiring training for certificate or license renewal can benefit from this program. Individuals whose businesses are new or expanding can also benefit from this program. Those employees who need to be retrained in specific skills to enhance their productivity, as well as efficiency, can also join this course. Those who are willing to enhance their occupational skills so that they can either cross-train, upgrade, or maintain their employment can also be potential students of this course. For instance, employees who lack middle-level skills to perform efficiently in fields such as advanced manufacturing, computer technology, and nursing can pursue this course along with postsecondary technical education (Florida Department of Education, 2023; Petree, 2020). However, it has been argued by Petree (2020) that the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program specializes only in career preparation, modern technologies, skilled trades, and applied science. Therefore, at times this program is considered vocational education. Hence, individuals who want to acquire vocational training or education can be potential students of the concerned course. Irrespective of this aspect, this program is found to offer career-oriented as well as academic opportunities as other courses and certifications can be incorporated such as internship, industry certification, and additional courses such as Continuing Workforce Education programs (Cordes, n.d.; Petree, 2020). Fletcher (2022) further acclaimed that with the increasing needs of the workforce in the modern context, appropriate postsecondary education has been found to be highly imperative. This is mainly because individuals need to compete for high-skilled, high-demand, and high-wage occupations by acquiring the required skills, which can be attained through this program. However, individuals having these characteristics and needs require equal access to demanding CTE Programs so that the issues faced in the field can be addressed as efficiently as possible (Fletcher, 2022). For this, the contribution of community colleges has been found to be immense not only in creating but also in delivering CTE programs. This indicates that the learners can be supported by the resources provided by these colleges. Nevertheless, it is essential to align the programs with the latest career demands so that the students can acquire the required skills (Atwell et al., 2022). LEARNING ENVIRONMENT It has been intended through the course that strategic teaching approaches are incorporated so that students can be equipped with proficiency based on their individual instructional preferences. Thus, it can be asserted that an individualized learning environment has been intended to be created so that students can succeed in the class. Besides, preference will be given to providing specific as well as individualized instructions to students so that their personal skill and competency requirements will be fulfilled at the end of the course. This indicates that the major support needs to be provided by the faculty members and the institutions availing these programs. However, the learners also need to be supported by community colleges as these are the institutions that provide localized CTE programs that comply with the legal as well as industry standards. They also need to provide adequate supporting resources that can guide students toward attaining success in the class. However, it can be challenging for these parties to comply with the individual requirements. Therefore, students having different learning styles will be identified and then segregated into homogenous groups so that each group having similar learning styles can be focused at a time. This will ensure that students having different styles can be approached differently and only then individual considerations can be made. Support also needs to be provided by the state and federal legislation in availing accommodations for learners having special needs, such as those having learning or physical disabilities so that they can attain equal access to the programs and resources. To address the needs of visual learners, faculty members will be required to make optimal use of visual aids in the tasks to train and support them throughout the course. For auditory learners, faculty will be responsible for opting for audio aids and supporting resources so that appropriate training and instructions can be provided as per their preferences and requirements. On the other side, to meet the needs of kinesthetic learners, faculty members need to prioritize the incorporation of physical activities in their tasks when teaching, instructing, and/or training them. However, an inclusive environment will be intended to be ensured in the class so that learners having different abilities, ages, statuses, and cultures can have equal opportunities to acquire appropriate skills and knowledge throughout the course. STUDENT PERFORMANCE COMPETENCIES After taking the classes, students will be able to acquire technical skills along with occupation-specific skills, problem-solving, and higher-order reasoning skills, as well as employability skills. With the acquisition of these kinds of skills, students will be able to optimally perform their future tasks and responsibilities in the industry. This further means that students will be able to master specific skills that are required in their respective fields. Students will also be able to have positive and productive work attitudes so that productivity and efficiency can be enhanced to the maximum possible extent. Besides, students will be able to adopt career-ready practices so that work productivity can be ensured. In addition, students will be able to perform in-class activities efficiently, thereby attaining success. GRADING FORMAT The grade level that has been considered in the course is 30, 31. The grading scale that will be used after assessing the performances of the students is based on their attained percentage. Those who attained (0 to 39)% in their assessments will be considered failed as graded as F while those above 40% as passed. Those who gained 40 to 79% will be graded as D or C (satisfactory), 80 to 89% will be considered good and graded as B. Thereafter, those securing 90 to 100% in their assessments will be graded as A, thereby considered them to be excellent in their class performance. REFERENCES Atwell, A. et al. (2022). Community college responses to align career and technical education programs with changing labor markets. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2022(197), 45–58. Cordes. (n.d.). Workforce Development: Identifying Continuing Education Needs and Programs for Integrated Behavioral Health Training. In Training to Deliver Integrated Care (pp. 207–212). Springer International Publishing. Fletcher, E.C. (2022). Access to and Equity in Rigorous Career and Technical Education Programs: Trends, Issues, and Future Directions in the Field. Career and Technical Education Research, 47(3), 17–27. Florida Department of Education. (2023). Curriculum Framework. Florida Department of Education 2022-2023, 1-6. Petree, D. H. (2020). Factors Influencing Dual Enrolled Students to Pursue Postsecondary Career and Technical Education. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2-14. Articles From Strategic Management