Question.2444 - Product selected - iPhone Assessment Description The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research about the target market for a brand and explain the role of motivation, perception, and personality as it relates to the brand and consumer purchasing decisions. Continuing in the role of a marketing professional who has been tasked with using the study of consumer behavior to develop and effective marketing and communication strategy for a client. Conduct additional research related to the target market and address each of the questions below in a 500-word response. Describe the specific market segments and target markets associated with the brand. Discuss the wants or needs the brand fulfills and the benefits the brand provides. Describe the primary motivation for the consumer to purchase this brand. Provide links to three examples of advertisements for the brand. Explain what you learned and perceived about the brand from these advertisements. Describe the role of consumer personality for the brand. Discuss how personality impacts the purchase of this product. If personality does not play a role in the brand, provide an explanation of why. APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
Answer Below:
Apple Inc. founded in 1976, today is the pioneer of technology market pioneering in smartphones and personal computers. The firm has been redefining market trends and making the consumers aware of needs they themselves never knew existed. The potential customers of Apple have been analyzed with great precision by understanding their likes, dislikes habits and languages. The target market of iPhone has been designed to form an unbreakable bond between the brand and prospective customer. The target customer have been crafted as people who are up for technological innovations and are keen to enjoy iPhone as an experience along with the product. The moment a prospective customer visits the website the visual implications ensure that prospective customer gets to see aesthetically designed product images which highlights the product benefits in most simple terms. The consistent display of positive happy faces and experiences in the advertisement propels positive emotions in prospective customers leading them to believe that the product is an experience in itself. For iPhone specifically the brand, promises that it is not just any other smartphone rather it enables the user to put the power of Apple computer in the phone. Apple goes beyond just product creation or meeting a demand. Unlike the competitors, the firm is focused on creating products for their target audience and loyal customers that actually believe that iPhone would make their life better. The customers firmly believe that iPhone is actually technological advanced and far from competition. The customers believe that they have not spent their money rather have invested in a product that would deliver experiences worth living for. The brand has positioned itself in a way that it reflects a premium brand and customers feel well from within by possessing it. The value proposition as marketed by the brand plays with the psyche of the customer that they perceive the product as a need and want despite its premium pricing. Brands generally uses social media for making their marketing presence known and enhance customer engagements and thereby building community. Apple works on increasing buzz for its latest iPhone thereby withholding information from the customers about the product to make them excited and build the anticipation. This strategy helps the target audience to get converted into loyal fans as it will make them curious encouraging them to search for more information. The brand relies on strong mechanism of self-signaling that makes the actions influence own beliefs about oneself. This would make the customer feel good about itself. cDOjCAM0 Personality plays a very important role in purchase of iPhone. The firm relies heavily on customers who are simple and ambitious at the same time. The firm implies the presence of technological innovation and up gradation to be an important role in achieving their dreams and in the process the firm makes itself positioned as a catalyst for achieving dreams and creating something big out of one’s own life. However, the firm keeps the marketing of the product in a simple manner thereby implying its universality for every type of customers. References: Van De Vliert, D. (2021). Apple iPhone: A Market Case Study. MacEwan University Student eJournal, 5(1).More Articles From Marketing