Question.2539 - Pick a policy relating to criminal offending and explain the strengths of that policy. Then, using the same policy, explain the weaknesses and possible unintentional consequences. Puma, Michael; Bell, Stephen; Cook, Ronna; Heid, Camilla. (2010). Head Start Research Head Start Impact Study Final Report Executive Summary. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families, January: 1-611. Wright chapter 14 (chapter 12 in first edition) Beaver chapter 6 · Criminals in the making: criminality across the life course by John Paul Wright, Stephen G. Tibbetts, Leah E. Daigle. 2nd edition. Sage: Los Angeles, 2015. · Biosocial criminology: A primer by Kevin Beaver. Third edition. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.: IA, 2016.
Answer Below:
Strength of the policy: Better training and education of Justice Professionals The policy of providing Better training and education of Justice Professionals is one of the kinds of to repair the criminal offenders; young children are often found to be exempted from the legal considerations because of their inability to differentiate the consequences of the actions. In young children and adults, human aggression appears in the early life cycle. Hence, to handle such youths and their aggressive behaviour, the justice professional need to be educated and trained to control the victim. The propensity of individuals engaging in crime or other problematic behaviours instigate development of criminality behaviour. The strength of this policy lies in making the justice professional exposed to full knowledge on human development that is required to improve the lives of individuals. this type of crime prevention programs are called as developmental prevention which means designing programs that prevent development of criminal potential by individuals by studying the factors in human development. There are many programs outset by the authorities to study the changing behaviour of criminals and understand their mindset. the training and education given by justice professional like police officers, probation, counsellors, etc to train and educate the victim whether young or old. This kind of crime prevention strategy will improve individual’s life chances and prevent embarking a criminal life. The justice professionals have to study various theories son human developments to understand the biological variables like cognitive skills, behaviours problems to environmental stimuli to examine social development factors responsible for the stability of criminal behaviour. Therefore, having an understanding of the development pathways can lead to elevate the quality of life to the criminals by adopting the policy of adequate training and education (Wright et al., 2014). Weaknesses of the policy: Better training and education of Justice Professionals The weakness of this policy is most of the justice professionals are still lacking a basic understanding of human development. They are not aware of motivational and human development and how the crime prevention programs will improve the social skills and competences through systematic methods of trainings and education. Lack awareness and knowledge as a weakness is hindering to bring a change in the live of criminals. Still, o many justice professionals believe that the process of treating criminals is the best method in making society a safer place. On the contrary, it is not true. The voluntary verbal and capacity behavioural inhibition and planning will help evaluate the consequences of emotional impulses of criminals. Possible unintentional consequences of the policy Its unintentional consequences would be impacted positively on their cognitive outcomes and social-emotional behaviours. Due to this behavioural impact, it calls for rehabilitation programs that would repair the mental stability and understand the needs of the criminals. According to criminologists, males are more likely to engage in risky behaviour compared to females. The young offenders get affected emotionally and psychologically having disastrous effects on their brains. The lack of adequate education, cultural development and social developments might lead to bitterness, anger and resentfulness in 3 their internal worlds. The justice professionals need to be aware of the policies and new techniques that will provide empirical support in evolving criminals out from the toxic levels of environments. A company name Head Start is the school that follows the whole child model in developing school readiness for low-income children that foster overall child development in terms of cultural, linguistic and ethnic. Such types of schools and training workshops would prevent children from becoming a criminal minds and support positive child development (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). 4 References U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Head Start Impact Study [Ebook]. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 1 December 2021, from Wright, J., Tibbetts, S., & Daigle, L. (2014). Criminals in the Making Criminality Across the Life Course. SAGE Publications.More Articles From CRIMINAL LAW MANAGEMENT