Question.1176 - “The overarching goal of the CJ system should be to allow individuals to maximize their chances of moving past their criminal records to lead productive post-punishment lives. This is the challenge moving forward.” What does this mean to you? Considering everything you've learned in class, what is the "silver bullet" to reducing recidivism? Is there one?
Answer Below:
What does this mean to you? The quote describes the perspective on the overarching goal of the criminal justice system. The primary goal of the criminal justice system is to create opportunities for individuals. These individuals have criminal records against their name, and to most past another criminal record, CJ aims to provide them chances to reintegrate into society. The main focus is on reintegration and rehabilitation, facilitating societal reintegration and personal growth, not just punishing the individuals. Considering everything you've learned in class, what is the "silver bullet" to reducing recidivism? Is there one? There is no silver bullet in reducing recidivism, as there are a number of practices, and it is a challenging issue. Each justice-involved individual experiences a unique set of cultural and social circumstances that will affect the way they behave in those new circumstances( org,2021). Recidivism is considered to be a complex factor, and each factor and not a single factor will be effective for everyone. References Firststepalliance. org,2021. “Reducing Recidivism: Creating a Path to Successful Re-entry” Retrieved from: Articles From CRIMINAL LAW MANAGEMENT