Question.309 - BIOSOCIAL CRIMINOLOGY At a meeting of the American Society of Criminology, you attend a talk on Biosocial Criminology.? After the talk is over, someone in the audience turns to you and says:? Biosocial criminology seems like a waste of time.? Someone explain to me how in the world biology could explain crime, if crime is defined differently in every society and throughout every era of history?? Besides, even if we found biological causes of crime, we cant do much about it & and in the wrong hands it could be dangerous.? Criminologists could make better use of their time by studying other causes of crime rather than blaming crime on a crime gene or looking for primitive biological throwbacks in the human race.? Dont you agree?? After giving it some serious thought, you respond to the scholars statement with an answer that includes all of the following: The ways in which biological approaches to crime have evolved and the history/trajectory of this research. Discuss the current and newest waves of research in biosocial criminology, including the topics studies and the methods used, and describe the strengths of this new wave of research. In the end, and after reviewing the evidence, do you agree or disagree with the scholars comment? What is the value of biosocial research?? Should we work to advance biosocial approaches to crime and is there value in biosocial research, or should we abandon this line of research as he/she suggests??
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