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Question.1756 - Greetings! This DB4 is similar to the last one, except it should be a bit longer: pick one geological time (Era, Period, Epoch) AND one type of fossils to discuss about here is a good source of geological time (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geologic_time_scale) tell me the reason why you pick those particular time and fossil AND reply to at least two other threads from your classmates I know some of you collect fossils, or at least wonder how fossils are formed. This DB will answer some of your own questions. Happy researching!

Answer Below:

Era geological time The geological time hierarchy is a recorded framework that enables researchers to comprehend the history of Earth. The hierarchy diverges Earth's chronology into distinct divisions such as eras, epochs, periods, and aeons.  Era is a very prolonged span of the geologic period, the second longest part of the geological period. The International Union of Geological Sciences has identified ten eras which are Paleoarchean Era, Eoarchean Era, Neoarchean Era, Mesoarchean Era, Mesoproterozoic Era, Paleoproterozoic Era, Cenozoic Era, Paleozoic Era, Neoproterozoic Era, and Mesozoic Era. An era is formed of one or more geological durations (Harper et al., 2020). During the earlier Palaeozoic duration, there was an incremental growth in digits of species via the Silurian and Cambrian with a drop during the Devonian duration and a succeeding peak during the Carboniferous duration. During the Paleozoic Era, marine species and Fish diversified were very ample during the Paleozoic. Expected Paleozoic fossils comprise cephalopods and trilobites like squid, ferns and insects. The most significant mass end in Earth's record was completed during this era (britannica.com, 2023). Discussing era geological time was selected because that was a very prolonged span with a variety of fossils. One can get a worth of experience while studying era geological time scale.  Discussing cephalopods is a useful consideration for specifying relative age in paleontology. They are excellent index fossils because they are widespread. There have been over 10000 species of cephalopods which are assigned to 400 clans and 25 orders. The shells of cephalopods have developed into many beautiful and incredible structures, displaying a combination of forms such as slightly curved, straight, coiled and crescent (Zhou et al., 2021). Many cephalopods have remarkable Jaws and in part a very peculiar sexual dimorphism. The interior of the fossil cephalopod Shells is identical to the internal components of the contemporary nautilus. Different species of cephalopods lived during distinct periods that can be easily identified by their suture patterns (nps.gov, 2023).            References britannica.com, (2023), era geologic time, Retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/science/era-geologic-time Harper, D.A., Cascales-Miñana, B. and Servais, T., 2020. Early Palaeozoic diversifications and extinctions in the marine biosphere: a continuum of change. Geological Magazine, 157(1), pp.5-21. Retrieved from: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/geological-magazine/article/early-palaeozoic-diversifications-and-extinctions-in-the-marine-biosphere-a-continuum-of-change/2FC9A3CEEE131A2ADF202E83833CC319 nps.gov, (2023), fossils, Retrieved from: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/fossils/fossils-through-geologic-time.htm#:~:text=During%20the%20Paleozoic%20Era%20 Zhou, C., Wang, H., Wang, C., Hou, Z., Zheng, Z., Shen, S., Cheng, Q., Feng, Z., Wang, X., Lv, H. and Fan, J., 2021. Geoscience knowledge graph in the big data era. Science China Earth Sciences, 64(7), pp.1105-1114. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11430-020-9750-4

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