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Question.2345 - Assignment 1: Summary and Reflection on the Man-Nature Divide The summaries and reflections on the topics that we will discuss throughout the semester are designed to insure that you have reviewed the PowerPoint presentations carefully and thought about the important points and critical issues. All of the summaries and reflections will have the same format and include two sections: Part 1 - a simple list of important points and critical issues that we have covered in each of the subject or geographic areas, much like the table of contents of a book, an outline of a book chapter, or a list of key statements from each of the sections covered in one or more PowerPoint slides of each presentation, and Part 2 - your reflection or comments on each topic or one or more selected elements of each topic. The first part clearly represents a brief overview of each topic. The second part is designed to show that you have seriously thought about some of the important points and critical issues and to demonstrate your thoughtful reactions or creative ideas. For your commentary or reflection on the man-nature divide (Part 2), you may also choose to focus on the following points: (1) What I have learned, particularly what I was surprised to learn or what I was shockedto know? (2) What are the primary challenges facing the humanity, particularly the future generations, in the areas of environmental and economic sustainability? (3) What should we do collectively to create a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations and how can I contribute individually to the solutions to our most criticaland urgent environmental and development problems? Part 1 (simple list of important points and critical issues) should be about one-page long (single space). Part 2 (your commentary or reflection) should be about two pages (double space and 12-point size). Please submit your completed assignment through the Blackboard by clicking “Assignments” and then following the on-screen instructions.

Answer Below:

1. One of the oldest and most enduring notions in human history is the separation of man and environment. Since it forms the basis for so much of our worldview and self- understanding, it is one of the most pernicious. The concept of a gap between people and the rest of nature is known as the "man-nature split." Nature is considered as illogical, barbaric, and something to be overcome, whereas humans are seen as rational, civilised, and in control of their fate. Because of this contradiction, people have been exploiting and mistreating the natural environment for centuries. Similarly surprising to me was discovering that the concept of a barrier between man and nature is not unique to the West. It pervades our whole way of thinking and may be found in a wide variety of cultural contexts throughout the globe. The greatest takeaway for me was the need of finding ways to unite humanity and the natural world for the sake of a better future. We must stop thinking of ourselves as separate from nature and begin to embrace our place in it. As soon as that happens, humanity will finally be able to treat the natural world with the reverence and care it deserves. 2. The gap between people and the natural world is the biggest obstacle to achieving environmental sustainability. Humans will continue to abuse and exploit the natural environment as long as we consider ourselves to be distinct from and superior to the rest of nature (Dickinson, 2016). This will cause further damage to the environment and the climate, which will have disastrous effects on the economy and human health. Inequality is the world's biggest economic sustainability concern. This trend of the wealthy growing wealthier while the poor become poorer cannot be maintained indefinitely. To add insult to injury, the poor are disproportionately concentrated in the parts of the country that suffer the most from pollution and climate change, making this kind of inequality a key factor in environmental deterioration. 3. Finding a method to unite humanity and environment while also tackling injustice is essential if we are to build a future that can support itself (Sheets-Johnstone, 2010). We must stop thinking of ourselves as separate from nature and begin to embrace our place in it. Our treatment of the natural environment is just as important as making sure everyone has access to a fair share of the world's resources. 4. There are several ways in which we may work together to build a more stable and secure future. An important first step is to get the word out about the effects of the gap between man or nature. Additionally, we can urge our governments to take measures to combat climate change as well as environmental damage by submitting petitions and sending letters. We can all adjust in our own lives to lessen our influence on the 3 environment, and we can all financially support organisations that are striving toward a more sustainable future. Step-by-step explanation 1. The notion of a separation between humans and the rest of nature is one of the oldest and most enduring in all of human history. Because it forms the basis for so much of our worldview and self-understanding, it is also one of the most pernicious (Seymour, 2016). The concept of a gap between people and the rest of nature is known as the "man-nature split." Nature is considered as illogical, barbaric, and something to be overcome, whereas humans are seen as rational, civilised, and in control of their fate. Because of this contradiction, people have been exploiting and mistreating the natural environment for centuries. Similarly surprising to me was discovering that the concept of a barrier between man and nature is not unique to the West. It pervades our whole way of thinking and may be found in a wide variety of cultural contexts throughout the globe. The greatest takeaway for me was the need of finding ways to unite humanity and the natural world for the sake of a better future. We must stop thinking of ourselves as separate from nature and begin to embrace our place in it. As soon as that happens, humanity will finally be able to treat the natural world with the reverence and care it deserves. 2. The gap between humans and the natural world is the biggest obstacle to environmental sustainability. Humans will continue to abuse and exploit the natural environment as long as we consider ourselves to be distinct from and superior to the rest of nature. This will cause further damage to the environment and the climate, which will have disastrous effects on the economy and human health. Inequality is the world's biggest economic sustainability concern. This trend of the wealthy growing wealthier while the poor become poorer cannot be maintained indefinitely. To add 4 insult to injury, the poor are disproportionately concentrated in the parts of the country that suffer the most from pollution and climate change, making this kind of inequality a key factor in environmental deterioration (Dickinson, 2016). Finding a method to unite humanity and environment while also tackling injustice is essential if we are to build a future that can support itself. We must stop thinking of ourselves as separate from nature and begin to embrace our place in it. Our treatment of the natural environment is just as important as making sure everyone has access to a fair share of the world's resources. 3. Together, we can make significant strides toward a more stable and secure future. An important first step is to get the word out about the effects of the gap between man and nature. Additionally, we can urge our governments to take measures to combat climate change and environmental damage by submitting petitions and sending letters (Mitra, 2017). We can all adjust in our own lives to lessen our influence on the environment, and we can all financially support organisations that are striving toward a more sustainable future. We can all do our part to alleviate the world's most pressing environmental or development issues by doing things like: ? Reduce, reuse, and recycle ? Using less of our limited resources ? Fostering organisations that are actively working toward a more sustainable future ? Educating the public on the interconnectedness of environmental or development concerns ? Supporting candidates that advocate for progressive environmental or development agendas 5 References Dickinson, E. (2016). Ecocultural Conversations: Bridging the human-nature divide through connective communication practices. Southern Communication Journal, 81(1), 32–48. https://doi.org/10.1080/1041794x.2015.1065289 Mitra, V. (2017). Man - Nature and Culture - Nature Relationship. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e--cC4APbaw Seymour, V. (2016). The human–nature relationship and its impact on Health: A Critical Review. Frontiers in Public Health, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2016.00260 Sheets-Johnstone, M. (2010). The descent of man, human nature, and the nature/culture divide. Anthropological Theory, 10(4), 343–360. https://doi.org/10.1177/1463499610386660

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