Question.2487 - Assignment #2 Population Descriptives Introduction In this assignment you will collect data using the Population Data Sheet 2020 for your chosen country. Throughout the semester you will be expected to use and cite data from the Population Data Sheet. There are Population Data Sheets for other years as well. You are welcome to cite data from previous Population Data Sheets in your assignments and final project if necessary. The Population Data Sheet is a credible academic source as it is a report put out by Population Reference Bureau. Remember to spend time on these assignments as they will be the basis of your final project. You will not have time to redo al of the assignments at the end of the semester. Remember to save all your data and research as you will need it again for the final paper. Overall Directions Upload your typed responses as a PDF to Canvas by the due date and time specific on Canvas. Below are further instructions: • Upload a Single spaced, size 11 or 12, Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. • Clearly mark each section. For example, “Problem#1” is a section that should be differently labeled as “Problem#2”. If each section (problem) is not labaled to be clearly identifiable then the sesctions will receive no (0) points. Please do NOT write your assingment as an essay with no sections (problem) labels. • You will be citing all your sources using in-text ASA citation that identifies the author and exact page number of the referenced work. Example: (Garcia 2021, 23). Make sure that the page numbers included in the in-text citations match the information cited from the original source. Additionally, there should only be one page associated with the specific information and not entire sections or chapters as this is not proper citation. Issues with in-text citation can lead to plagerisim. Here is a link that helps identify how to properly turn sources into ASA in-text citation and workcited citations: Any information included that does not include proper in-text citations will receive no creidt. • The proper way to cite reports such as the Populatio Data Sheet is as follows: (1) In-text citation - (Kaneda, Greenbaum and Kline 2020) (2) Workcited citation - Kaneda, T., Greenbaum, C. and Kline, K., 2020. World Population Data Sheet. Washington, D.C.: Population Reference Bureau. • You will cite all your soures used in the assingment at the end of the document using a works cited page in ASA format. • Only credible academic sources that include our course readings will be accepted in this assingment. • Appropriate word count for the section. If either of the response sections are significantly more/or less than speficied word counts, the responses will receive at most half credit for that section (problem). This is because no one can be given an unfair advantage by writing significantly more/less than instructed. Demographic Methods SOC 4230 Marisa E. Sanchez, Ph.D. Assignment Directions PROBLEM#1 (5 points) After looking at the handouts and videos on, “Formatting a Table” within this week’s module, complete the following: Use the 2020 World Population Data Sheet to create a table that compares your chosen country with the U.S., and the world on the following rates below. Your country, the U.S., and the World will be the headings for your columns. The demographic information below will be the labels for your rows. Population size (mid-2020) Births per 1000 population (CBR) Deaths per 1000 population (CDR) The rate of Natural Increase Total Fertility Rate Infant Mortality Rate Life Expectancy at Birth for total Life Expectancy for males Life Expectancy for females Percent of Married Women Using Contraception all methods Percent of Married Women Using Contraception modern methods GNI PPP PROBLEM #2 (20 points) Write a short essay that uses the data above. First, (a) identify if your country is a MDC or a LDC based on the data above. (b) Then use several characteristics of MDCs or LDCs that you have learned from our course readings to write a short essay that proves the development of chosen country. Make sure that you use in-text citations from our readings, and from the data collected above. Make sure that you consider demographic, political, and economic characteristics of LDCs versus MDCs in your response. Finally, (c) determine in what stage in the DTM your chosen country is currently in based on the data above. Then in another short essay use any information you have regarding the history of your country and the data to provide supporting evidence. You may need outside sources for this part in addition to our course readings on the DTM and the Population Data Sheet data. The entire response should be about 250 – 300 words.
Answer Below:
Population data Problem 1 The Population data of US is compared with the world and Canada. This gives the clear representation of the health status of the females in the country with respect to the world and the chosen country. Fields World US Canada Population size (mid-2020) 7773 million 329.9 million 38.2 million Births per 1000 population (CBR) 19 12 10 Deaths per 1000 population (CDR) 7 9 8 The rate of Natural Increase 1.1 0.3 0.2 Total Fertility Rate 2.3 1.7 1.5 Infant Mortality Rate 31 5.7 4.7 Life Expectancy at Birth for total 73 79 82 Life Expectancy for males 70 76 80 Life Expectancy for females 75 81 84 Percent of Married Women Using Contraception all methods 61 76 85 Percent of Married Women Using Contraception modern methods 55 68 - 3 GNI PPP 16,885 63,780 49,430 Problem 2 Canada is a more developed country based on the above data. It has health care facilities which has allowed it to enhance the life expectancy of its citizens above the world data. The country is developed demographically as the figures of the population data suggests that the population enjoys a healthy status in contrast to the rest of the countries. It is also politically more developed as it has a stable government. Canada is a constitutional monarchy and the Queen of England is the head of the state (Shore, 2018). Canada is an economically developed country. It is evident from its higher GNI PPP in contrast to the world data. This shows that the purchasing power parity of the individuals in this county is high and therefore, the country enjoys a high economic position. However, it is lesser than that of US and this highlights that the economic characteristics of this county is weaker than the former. The citizens have less purchasing power parity in contrast to that of US. The demographic transition model shows that the birth rate of the country is decreasing whereas the death rate is increasing. It reflects that the country is in stage four of the model where there is a decline in the population (Edmonston, 2014). The current total fertility rate is 1.5 which is not sufficient in replacing the population naturally. The marginal increase in the population is due to the immigration of the people rather than natural births taking place. 4 References Edmonston, B. (2014). Two centuries of demographic change in Canada. Canadian Studies in Population [ARCHIVES], 41(1-2), 1-37. Shore, C. (2018). The Crown as proxy for the State? Opening up the black box of constitutional monarchy. The Round Table, 107(4), 401-416.