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Question.2447 - 1. Provide an example of how neocolonialism reinforces the power and influence of core countries. Please be specific with your example (Hint: You might want to consider milk production in Jamaica or oil extraction in Nigeria). 2. Take a closer look at a commodity you use every day - your favorite coffee, your tablet or laptop etc., and trace the production from company home, design, raw materials, production, and market. How far does your favorite commodity travel? (Read pages 52-53 before completing this question) 3. Find an example of a spatial justice project, law, or incentive that has attempted to balance economic disparity in a city, town, country or neighborhood. (Read page 58 before completing this activity).   Required Textbook:Paul L.Knox and Sallie A. Marston. 2015. Human Geography:  Places & Regions7thedition.Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780321984241;   Textbook available - https://u1lib.org/book/5442205/b730ac

Answer Below:

Question 1: In the period of the 15 th to 20th century the expansionism is setting up settlements in non- colonized countries by power and in this manner exploiting them for their benefits. In those times European countries have searched for control over various African and Asian countries. Possibly the most stunning if all else fails to get was seen when African countries inferred a credit of 200 billion US Dollars from the World Bank now a brief timeframe later, everybody remembered that it would end up being hard to repay it (Knox, 2015). Therefore, the American finance expert n namely Jeffrey Sachs, a famous market professional hinted to legitimize the credit for the trip of Neo-colonization practice. Before long, Africans didn't take his proposition and worked with their credit cycle considering the way that down and out each individual of them were completing to exist of longing and less cleansing. Question 2: Travelling with own belongings every day is the kind of development, which works on a very basic level and each one of the people loves. For someone travelling with own possessions is an astonishing opportunity to relax and get away from standard included life. For others, it is flooring to see how people of various social orders and dispositions live (Knox, 2015). Certain people trust it to be the best system for commending easy streets and constantly attempt to visit as many clubs, bars, bistros and bistros as plausible for their wallets and time limits. Some people are irredeemable constantly with the way where life is, and they will say that wandering is extremely quite far from overpowering and wires a colossal store of strain considering the need to pack their things, use the public vehicle, and so forth, However, Human Geography: Places and Religions 3 fortunately those people are tolerably commonly very few and the bigger part perceives how travelling is vitalizing and hypnotizing. Question 3: Public open space (POS) is as consistent as possible considered a need that is depended on to be regarded by everyone, especially as we push toward a post-pandemic culture. It is considered one of the most key general succeeding assets that contribute immensely to people's physical, social, and mental prospering (Knox, 2015). While obliging private improvement attempts to give POS has changed into a standard system for smoothing out land use, a couple of overviews regard Public Open Space in Private Developments (POSPD) as over-controlled and first in class spaces, which raise regard stresses over people's comparative entryways towards POS as thriving resources. Regardless, little is had some epic impression of how much spatial worth can be made in POSPD. With the metropolitan people ending up being seriously astounding, exploring POSPD's demanded spatial worth situation under a rich improvement to ensure access for everything is helpful and head. the hypothesis of spatial worth is based on the crucial spatiality ofsocial entryways and a sensible vehicle of POS. Notwithstanding,POS is being made less open and assessed from various obsessions withgoliath appearance as "privatization". Spatial worth in POS advocate for making open and wary spaces for all. Emerged expectedly late stood detached from other worth related evaluations, spatial worth is a thought whose definition has not shown at an outline yet. Experts once used "a locale worth" or "social entryways in space" to explain their examination benefits and uncover their parts on spatial perspective. The hypothetical underpinnings of this have driven a few specialists to see spatial worth from the overall discussion of epic worth. Human Geography: Places and Religions 4 References Knox, P. L. (2015). Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context, Fifth Canadian Edition Plus MasteringGeography with Pearson EText--Access Card Package. Pearson Education Canada.

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