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Question.585 - JW 7: Achilles and the two jars

Answer Below:

1. In one jar, there are miseries, while the other jar has gifts. Here, sufferings are symbolic of the different type of reactions that we have towards the stimuli which arise from our limited perception of things. Since we as humans are driven by our senses. Anger, selfishness, and jealousy are the real miseries that inflict pain on humans. Blessings reflect the compassion, forgiving characteristics, and staying present that provide a purpose and meaning to life.  2. Zeus gives a lightning mix to the two jars. When he provides the mix, then he dispense the gifts from the jar of sorrows only, he makes the man an outcast brutal, ravenous hunger drives him down the face of the shining earth. Life is a mix of both good and bad. It is a season of joys and sorrows. If a person gets stuff from only one jar, then there will be no learning in their life. It would have no meaning. Even to understand happiness, a person should undergo deep trials and tribulations. With distinct trials and tribulations, one realizes bliss.  3.  The poem reflects a vital sentiment, “What good’s to be won from tears that chill the spirit?”. This is much true in our everyday life. When we as humans are always in a state of pride and anger to take revenge to make sure that life is fair for us. However, what we get in return is misfortunes that doom’s man’s well-being. The story's point is realistic; it can be compared to even the present Russia-Ukraine war where each country under the premise of political supremacy needs to maintain there hegemony. A more profound question is the impact of war on people and their lives, which yields sorrow. 

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