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Question.711 - Describe your existing knowledge about your topic in wellness. You might describe your personal experience with the topic, what you learned in school, or what your assumptions are about the topic. Ask, what do I know (or think I know)? Apply the history lens to your topic. Using the language of history as it is defined in your resources and academic journals, how would you write about your topic? What events and dates have occurred that are important to your topic? Has the significance of the topic diminished or shifted with time? Who are the authors of the historical record(s) related to your topic? Apply the humanities lens to your topic. Using the language of the humanities as it is defined in your resources, and as it is used in humanities-focused journals, how would you write about your topic? What meaning does your topic have within cultures? How do people express themselves with regards to your topic? What are people’s lived experiences with your topic? Apply the natural and applied sciences lens to your topic. Using the language of the natural and applied sciences as it is defined in your resources, and as it is used in natural and applied sciences–focused journals, how would you write about your topic? How might the scientific method be used to examine some aspect of your topic? How might your topic relate to the physical or material world? Are there any challenges to viewing your topic objectively? Apply the social science lens to your topic. Using the language of the social sciences as it is defined in your resources, and as it is used in social science–focused journals, how would you write about your topic? Who is affected by your topic? How might your topic affect interpersonal relationships? What social structures and systems relate to your topic?

Answer Below:

Lens Exploration Eden KleefischSouthern New Hampshire University Course: IDS-402-X1731 Wellness 22EW1 Professor John KoshutaSeptember 4th, 2022 Lens Exploration Existing Knowledge Abortion is the cessation of a pregnancy through the removal of the?embryos from the uterus, which can be accomplished through miscarriage, unplanned abortion, or stimulation of labor. Abortion has ethical and criminal implications. Abortion regulations differ greatly across?the globe and have changed over the ages. Medication abortion is the employment of medications to stop the development of?the fetus. It is also referred to as a pill abortion. A method to remove the fetus from the womb is known as a surgical abortion.? Although contemporary surveys show that a plurality of Americans rejects some pregnancies in certain situations, there is universal consensus on constitutionality; practically every abortion in most modern nations is lawful. History Abortions were increasingly widespread throughout the economic renaissance as women conceived fewer children owing to improved accessibility to reproductive contraception and increased labor-force participation, that indicated that greater birth rates?were intended. Unfortunately, this resulted in women engaging in unprotected intercourse throughout respective reproductive periods, resulting in unexpected pregnancies. Despite a decrease in abortion rates once contraceptives became accessible, abortion rates continued to rise. Abortion legislation was changed in the 1960s, eleven state governments democratized their abortion regulations in the 1960s and 1970s, with its momentous Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutional entitlement to abortion in the United States (Browne & Calkin, 2020; Major et al., 2009; Potts & Diggory, 1977). Abortions were conducted as a means of modern contraceptives prior to the twentieth century for a variety of purposes. Among these factors included the pregnancy being undesired or not healthy and the woman's welfare being jeopardized. Nevertheless, because of systematic discrimination, abortion restrictions have persisted in affecting Black as well as other persons of the minority. The Hyde Amendment, for example, prohibits federal Medicaid funds from having employed to pay for abortions,?Hyde has notably impacted Black and Latino contraceptive independence (Browne & Calkin, 2020; Major et al., 2009; Potts & Diggory, 1977). Due to the embedded discrimination in Nation's industrial processes and regulations, Black and other minority?populations are less apt to have employment that provides independent contractor health care and are more inclined to depend upon Medicare coverage. Humanities Nobody has the right to advise a woman how she may and could undertake. Abortions are indeed a universal privilege, and it's entirely up to the woman bearing the fetus to decide whether or not to retain the baby. However, early/middle-term abortions seem to be more compassionate and effective. There in the majority of instances of mid-term abortions, the embryo had started to grow and, in certain circumstances, is midway completely formed. However, the fetus has not grown sufficiently for abortion to be called inhumane. Having an abortion is not cruel. However, if poorly conducted appropriately or when the premature stage, it might constitute to be?inhumane. Through that time, the fetus is nearly formed, if not totally, formed. It would also be beyond the stage?to have an abortion. Abortion is a contentious subject. Everything dials down to ideas of morality and values, or how people arrive at such inferences, is influenced by each of our previous views; for example, political, societal, religious, and cultural?attitudes all influence our understanding of abortion. Empirical evidence cannot be used to determine if or not embryonic cells are members of the human race (Browne & Calkin, 2020; Major et al., 2009; Potts & Diggory, 1977). There aren't any inborn traits that could resolve the issue of if fetuses are human or when they become human. The abortion debate is both ethical and geopolitical, arguing that certain individuals may and may not be considered inhabitants of the human species. Natural and Social Lens Considering natural science reasoning in terms of saving lives, the progress of a fetus should be maintained by surgical abortion. That allows for the typical course of development to occur with regard to the baby's genotypes over age. Abortion is indeed an unnatural operation in the environment of natural development but not unethical, and as such, it should not be?forbidden by considering the natural order. The obligations people impose on each other as just a result of human acts might be viewed simply as a representation of human deeds. A mother encounters several challenging situations while carrying their infant, a weight that she should bear during her maternity. Since existence is such an imperative construction, her existence must be cherished. References Browne, K., & Calkin, S. (Eds.). (2020). After repeal: Rethinking abortion politics. Bloomsbury Publishing. Major, B., Appelbaum, M., Beckman, L., Dutton, M. A., Russo, N. F., & West, C. (2009). Abortion and mental health: Evaluating the evidence. American Psychologist, 64(9), 863. Potts, M., & Diggory, P. (1977). Abortion. Cambridge University Press.

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