Question.3444 - Week 2 Discussion 2 (Chapter 2) Reminder: You are assigned to the same group as you were in discussion #1. Group 1: Using the book and/or lecture material: What is the difference between a direct and indirect democracy or representative democracy? Why did the Founders choose a representative democracy (review book and lecture)? Are there any forms of a direct democracy in our political system? Do you feel there should be more opportunities for the people to directly participate in the policy making process at the state and federal level? Why or why not? After watching the assigned debate video (see the supplemental video link in this week's module), summarize at least two arguments presented by each side (total of 4). Finally, which side did you find most convincing and why? Group 2: Using the book and/or lecture: Discuss the basic principles and differences between the procedural and substantive models of democracy. Can these two models potentially be at odds with one another? Why? Should both models be pursued in our democratic system? Why or why not? NOTE: Please do not google these terms to come up with an answer. Use the book and lecture material. Include a discussion of the basic principles of each model. After watching the assigned debate video (see the supplemental video link in this week's module), summarize at least two arguments presented by each side (total of 4). Finally, which side did you find most convincing and why? Group 3: Using the book and/or lecture: As discussed in the lecture, the U.S. political system more closely resembles the pluralist model. Discuss how the pluralist model compares to the majoritarian and elite model. Do you think the pluralist model, as currently practiced in the United States, is democratic? If not, why? Feel free to include current political examples in your discussion. After watching the assigned debate video (see the supplemental video link in this week's module), summarize at least two arguments presented by each side (total of 4). Finally, which side did you find most convincing and why?
Answer Below:
I’ve been assigned to Group 2. Question 3 Principles of Procedural and Substantive Model of Democracy The procedural model of democracy has three core principles, including "universal participation," "majority rule," and "political equality." The fourth principle of this is considered as "responsiveness." On the other hand, substantive models in democracy have two core principles: "civil rights and liberties" and "social and economic rights." The decisions are made on the basis of substantive governmental policies (Chapter 1, Lecture 2, Slide 2-5). Differences between these Two Models These two models are totally different to each other as the substantive focuses on governmental policies and on the other hand, the procedural model focuses on social equality. Potential Odds to Each Model and Rationale behind Pursuing them in our Democracy System It is also seen that proceduralism results in policies that are often unfavourable to minorities as they focus mostly on the universal majority while making any decisions. The substantive model focuses mostly on the government structure to make policies so that minor communities are not neglected (Chapter 1, Lecture 2, Slide 5-7). In a democratic system, pursuing both procedural and substantive models is crucial for ensuring that governance is not only fair but also effective in achieving justice and equality. The establishment of these systems make sure about the consistent decisions. On the other hand, the substantive model is concerned with the outcomes of decisions, not just the processes (Roach, 2022). Question 4 Summarization of Debate The present debate is based on "Western Democracy is threatening Suicide." The proposition side of this debate indicated two major points, which can be described as the "erosion of democratic norms" and "economic and social inequality." On the other hand, the opposition side of the present debate statement has pointed out two critical aspects, including "resilience of democratic institutions" and "public engagement" (, 2024) Most Convincing Side I am more convinced with the proposition side of the western democracy as they have addressed an emerging issue of social inequality or avoiding minors’ decisions while developing the policy framework. Moreover, it has been evident with the study of Schupmann (2024), that the erosion of the democratic normas have detrimental effects on the western democracy that threatens suicide. References to an external site. Roach, Kent. "Joe’s Justice: Substantive, Procedural and Remedial Equality." The Supreme Court Law Review: Osgoode’s Annual Constitutional Cases Conference. Vol. 104. No. 1. 2022. Schupmann, Benjamin A. Democracy despite Itself: Liberal Constitutionalism and Militant Democracy. Oxford University Press, 2024.More Articles From Political Science