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Question.954 - A quiz question according to the following guidelines: Create a multiple choice question Provide 4 possible answers Defend the correct answer using the assigned materials from that week (cite from the article, page number, podcast, etc).  

Answer Below:

According to the article "How Public Opinion Has Moved on Black Lives Matter," which demographic group has seen the largest increase in support for Black Lives Matter protests? A) White Americans? B) African Americans? C) Hispanic Americans? D) Asian Americans Correct answer: A) White Americans Defence: According to the article, "perhaps the most notable shift" in public opinion on Black Lives Matter is among white Americans, with "support for the movement among white Americans jumping from 25% to 52 percent" between 2016 and 2020 (para. 1). According to the report, support amongst African Americans remains strong, with 85 percent indicating support for Black Lives Matter rallies in 2020 (para. 1). Although the article does not include particular data on increases to support among Hispanic or Asian Americans, it does highlight that support for the movement has grown across every group of people (para?3). References Cohn, N., & Quealy, K. (2020, June 10).?How public opinion has moved on black lives matter. The New York Times. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/10/upshot/black-lives-matter-attitudes.html

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