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Question.1904 - 1st paper topic A+ Start Assignment Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 15 Submitting  a file upload Write a 2-3 page paper, double spaced addressing the following questions:   Is consent necessary for forming and maintaining a political body for Locke? How is consent elicited? Can consent be withdrawn and how? In the United States what are some examples of express consent? What does voter turnout in the United States say about express consent? Is it low,high,does it make a difference what type of election?       Be sure you address each question. This assignment is worth 15pts. It is just one option, so completion is not necessary.

Answer Below:

Introduction John Locke is a pivotal figure in political philosophy. He is positing the essentiality of consent in both the formation and maintenance of a political body. This study is mainly exploring the Locke's perspectives on consent, its elicitation methods, withdrawal possibilities, and how they resonate in the context of the United States. Additionally, it also examines the relationship between voter turnout and express consent. This study is also shedding light on the dynamics of democratic governance. In order to form and maintain the political body the consent is important according to the political philosophy of John Locke. As opinionated by Locke that person initially remains in a state of nature in which they enjoy freedom and equality.  However, due to the absence of a common judge in this state, it means that disputes and conflicts can quickly arise. It is leading to a state of war when the laws of nature are violated. It has been evaluated that in this state of war, individuals are compelled to protect themselves and their property. Often, it is resulting in chaos and instability (Larmore, 2022). By establishing a more orderly society and escaping this state of war, individuals’ consent is required to create a civil society. It has been determined that this consent is crucial as it marks the transition from the state of nature to civil society. In this, individuals agree to relinquish their executive power to a common authority. Majority has been representing this common authority. It is mainly entailing the task of creating and enforcing laws. Importantly, it maintains the democratic principles and protects the rights of all citizens. Elicitation of consent in Locke's theory entails two forms: tacit and express consent. Tacit consent is considered implicit. Within a political jurisdiction, it is acquired simply by residing. It has been evaluated that by choosing to live within a certain community or under a particular government, individuals tacitly consent to follow its laws and regulations. This form of consent has been considered as passive. It does not require any active engagement on the part of the individual (Arcenas, 2022). On the other hand, it has been seen that express consent requires active engagement or positive endorsement of the government. This entails various forms like voting in elections, participating in political activism, petitioning the government for change, or volunteering for public service. Express consent has been considered as a more deliberate and conscious form of consent. Individuals can actively participate in the political process. It also demonstrates their support for the government and its policies. A critical aspect of John Locke's political philosophy is withdrawal of consent. It is particularly related to the legitimacy of governance. It has been analyzed that tacit consent can be implicitly revoked by leaving the jurisdiction. On the other hand, withdrawing express consent mainly presents a more intricate process. If a person provides their consent to a political body through active engagement or participation then they become bound towards that authority. In order to dissolve this bond then it can be possible through few events such as calamity or public acts such as constitutional amendments or changes in government structure (Larmore, 2022).The establishment of persons in the political system can show intricacies of withdrawing express consent. In renouncing citizenship or instigating revolutionary movements, the legal and practical obstacles are included. In order to serve as manifestations of express consent, different actions are available in the United States. In political procedure, there is active engagement with the government. For instance, voting in elections is a fundamental expression of consent. As a result, citizens can choose their representatives and endorse policies. It is mainly aligned with their interests. Additionally, it has been examined that participating in activism via protests, rallies, or advocacy campaign can be useful. Significantly, it is showing a commitment to shape government decisions and holding officials accountable. It has been analyzed that serving in the military is another form of express consent. Individuals can voluntarily defend the nation and its democratic principles. It has been affirming their allegiance to the government (Juhansar, 2021). The key element of civil engagement is the voter turnout. In democratic societies of United States, it acts as a barometer of express content. In high voter turnout, there is huge participation and endorsement of the political system. It is mainly reinforcing its legitimacy and credibility. The confidence and willingness of citizen can be seen in the electoral procedure for active participation in governance. Contrarily, in political process, low voter turnout includes disenchantment, apathy, or disengagement. Significantly, it has been noted that it is challenging the democratic ideals of consent-based governance. It is majorly raising concerns about representation and accountability. Low voter turnover is also highlighting potential disparities in accessing the political participation and decision-making (Larmore, 2022). Conclusion In conclusion, Locke's theory is mainly highlighting the centrality of consent in political legitimacy. It is also emphasizing active participation as it plays a vital role in democratic governance. This study is also examining voter turnout in the United States. This study majorly provides insights about the dynamics of express consent. Significantly, it aids in shaping the dialogue between citizens and their government. References Arcenas, C.R., 2022. America's Philosopher: John Locke in American Intellectual Life. University of Chicago Press. Top of Form Juhansar, J., 2021. John Locke: The Construction of Knowledge in the Perspective of Philosophy. JurnalFilsafat Indonesia, 4(3), pp.254-260. Larmore, C., 2022. What is political philosophy?. Princeton University Press.  

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