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Question.1805 - Discuss how the bureaucracy makes policy. How can the bureaucracy be held more accountable?

Answer Below:

  According to my understanding from chapter 8, the bureaucracy tends to make the policies through a process called implementation that revolves around regulations in operations (O'Connor et al., 2021, p. 242). Diving deep into the topic, congress tends to establish a department, agencies, and, in some scenarios, commissions, wherein the powers/authorities are delegated to these mentioned agencies    When congress creates departments, agencies, or commissions, it delegates some of its powers to them, and the regulations creating these entities describe their objectives and grant them the authority or power to make policy-related decisions (O'Connor et al., 2021, p. 242). For bureaucracies to engage in policy-making, which tends to be a quasi-legislative process resulting in regulations that have the force of law; while at the same time, Bureaucratic rule makers tend to operate as lawmakers whereby to the masses in terms of majority, they draft the rules/regulations to implement congressional statutes (O'Connor et al., 2021, p. 243). In order to evaluate the rulemaking statutes, it entails public notice, wherein the stakeholders or parties who are interested are supposed to submit a written agreement that includes a detailed report of quantitative and qualitative facts that states the statutory objective of the rule; while another possible approach where bureaucracy could make policies is through a quasi-judicial process, that is, if there are any disputes, the bureaucratic agencies address them in an identical fashion to that of court procedures, or in simpler terms, it could be referred to as administrative adjudication since it primarily upholds the constitutional principle of separation of powers by practicing judicial review (O'Connor et al., 2021, pp. 243-244). Considering the accountability factor, considering the presidential power, wherein the president tends to be the head of the executive branch by default possessing the power/authority to appoint/remove agency heads that includes top bureaucrats in addition to other authorities like giving order of command and recognize bureaucracy (O'Connor et al., 2021, pp. 244-245). While on the other hand, consider congress, which possesses the authority to pass legislation that alters the bureaucracy's operations in addition to intervening in their bureaucratic activities when they feel there is a shift in control over funding or other matters (O'Connor et al., 2021, p. 245). Even the judiciary has the authority to rule over the operation of bureaucrats in terms of their boundaries, such as if their activities are within the bounded laws and regulations and if there is a need for policy change to comply with the regulations/laws (O'Connor et al., 2021, p. 245).

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