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Question.746 - You are designing a study to explore post-traumatic stress following gruesome or high intensity calls for service in your fire department. You intend to use non-participant observation in your study. Describe the issues that might affect your data quality when collecting data through this method.

Answer Below:

Considering the scenario where research is conducted in the fire department sector, validity can be defined by how the outcome of the research in terms of intent. Such as for instance, while researching the natural disaster of a particular county in order to understand how the existing fire department has been effective, it is important to produce an outcome with the same intent - that covers both reports about the natural disaster as well as the effectiveness of measures taken by the fire department and validity can be measured by how the outcome has stayed within the intent. In the above-discussed research scenario, if the outcome is based on cultural diversity or human management of the fire department during natural disasters, it tends to show a poor rate of validity of the research. This shows the importance of validity since it poses the research as meaningless since it does not measure the intended research purpose and produces various other results apart from the aim of the research. I would like to ensure that all the data gathered from the scholarly resources and survey questions are drafted in accordance to meet the aim of the research rather than losing the resulting ocean of data and adding more information to it in addition to the measuring and methodology employed in the research and validity should be assessed at every stage of the research. In terms of reliability which ensures the entire value of research, which assures the consistency of the research outcome, for instance, when various factors are included in the same level of measurement cannot be utilized. In order to ensure a higher rate of reliability in research, the researcher needs to stick to a consistent methodology, which should be extended towards the collection of the data; in a scenario, live samplings are being considered for data gathering, they should also be consistent; such as the test related reliability can be ensured by using the datasets from a particular time frame.

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