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Question.807 - In this assignment, you will begin the process of formally documenting your research proposal. Remember that the issue that you are researching should be relevant to your own fire department or the fire service as a whole. You will need to justify this. Update your literature review based on the professor’s feedback and utilize it in your submission. Assemble the following elements: Title page Table of contents Introduction to the issue Problem statement Purpose statement Research questions/hypotheses Background and significance Provide background of the problem. How is it relevant to your fire department or the fire service? Why is this study needed? Literature review This is more than just an annotated bibliography! Write a critical examination of the major issues of your topic.  Procedures/Methods Document the detailed and logical steps you will take to complete your study. Who is your study population? Will a sample or the total population be used? What are the appropriate sampling methods for this research? How will you collect data? How will you maintain participant confidentiality (if appropriate)? Conclusion Reference list

Answer Below:

Research Project Michael Kowal Columbia Southern University FIR 4308 Professor Todd CanaleFebruary 8th, 2023 Table of contents Content Pages Research Problem 2 Research Purpose Statement 2 Research Questions 3 Background and Significance 3 Literature review 4 - 7 Procedures/Methods 7 Conclusion 8 References 9 Research Problem In terms of the problem - the research objective is to work on the natural disaster since the community is highly exposed to emergency intervention throughout the year, which adds more burden to the fire department and other risk management sectors; ensuring proper safety is becoming a challenging hardship since the public and private infrastructure is disrupted in terms of operational cues. Such as, whenever a disaster strikes, the county and the locals are not ready to push the population to face the physical danger leading to explicit financial loss. Research Purpose Statement Considering the purpose of the research on the natural disaster of Bexar County, according to the national risk index is alarming, the risk from the naturally occurring disasters scores is inclining towards relatively higher side; the score is 39.95 for the risk exposed by the community (Adepoju et al., 2022). Research Questions The Research will the following questions: what are the existing emergency procedures and risk management towards natural disaster and their practical efficiency? How are natural disasters mitigated or forecasted? What is the expected annual loss in terms of economy in addition to fatality in Bexar County? Background and Significance Considering the reports from the National Risk Index, Bexar County is the region subjected to a relatively high-risk rating. The County is exposed to an expected annual loss score of 40.89 on the national risk index in addition to a social vulnerability score of 46.12 and community resilience of 54.56 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). The research will provide an overview of how and why natural disaster needs to be given more importance in terms of including them in preventive and risk management processes. For instance, using the report from National Risk Index, the riverine flooding alone has caused havoc in terms of financial loss - the report claims that there is an expected annual financial loss of $38,136,600 in addition to the population equivalence of $34,849,470 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). Drought tends to be the highest contributor to the expected agricultural loss of $593,885 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). Other natural disasters are causing increased economic loss rates, including Hail and ice storms. According to the National Risk Index, Hail is expected to have an annual loss of $20,934,501, along with a building value loss annually of around $20,053,168 and a population equivalence of $830,828, and Hail disaster also tends to incur an annual agricultural loss of $50,506 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). On the other hand, the County is exposed to harsh winter conditions, where Ice Storm is one such threat the community population experiences - the National Risk Index reports an annual economic loss value in terms of building loss is expected to$6,067,786 and a population equivalence of $294,216 (Adepoju et al., 2022; "Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). Literature review In order to understand which methodology is well suited for the research, it is important to understand the possible approach, one being qualitative research, where the researcher tends to address a particular issue in accordance with the real-world context by employing the participants and obtaining their real-world experience on the event such that, the researcher has the upper hand when it comes to incorporating the critical analysis and take on the informed data which does not encompass a significant amount of numerical data. While on the other hand, considering the quantitative approach to the research, where the research is significantly dominated by the numerical set of data, where the primary source of data involves observation in accordance with a formulated hypothesis in order to support the correlational and comparative format of research. However, for the chosen topic of research, it is relative to choose a qualitative research approach since it could provide the possibility of assessing human behavior in terms of natural disasters and interventions by the local fire department. The research conducted by Figueroa (2022), in accordance with the University of Texas San Antonio and the center of Archaeological Research, evaluated the existing fire station at Bexar County on its replacement in terms of its efficiency in serving the natural disaster. The results were in favor of showing that there is a need for a comprehensive prevention model and an urgent need for a complete revamp of the fire department and the emergency addressable models. The outcome also claimed that the existing operating system tends to be old modeled and requires a replacement in accordance with the suggestions from the City of San Antonio, with identification of the backhoe trenching approach to identify the influence of cultural traces on the fire department, such that archeologically it needs to be placed in the region where the team could address the disaster, the region also required to be a place surrounding the higher rate of an expected annual loss, with the need for the new comprehensive fire station, it demands a contemporary model that encompasses three primary objectives which are mitigation of the natural disaster, emergency addressable model and preventive measures. The research focuses on natural disasters because Bexar County is highly subjected to loss in terms of both economic and human fatal rates by natural disasters. Considering the reports from the National Risk Index, Bexar County is the region subjected to a relatively high-risk rating. The County is exposed to an expected annual loss score of 40.89 on the national risk index in addition to a social vulnerability score of 46.12 and community resilience of 54.56 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). The report from National Risk Index, the riverine flooding alone has caused havoc in terms of financial loss - the report claims that there is an expected annual financial loss of $38,136,600 in addition to the population equivalence of $34,849,470 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). Drought tends to be the highest contributor to the expected agricultural loss of $593,885 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). Other natural disasters are causing increased economic loss rates, including Hail and ice storms. It is important to understand the nature of emergency management before deciding on a new model for the fire department, and the emergency situation needs immediate attention and well-drafted planning to approach that is preset along with an adaptable and dynamic approach, which can be addressed with the collaborative model. According to McNabb (2022), who has assessed the existing disaster management model and policies in the United States and across the globe, suggests that a higher rate of efficiency can be achieved if collaborative emergency management, where public sectors like fire departments work with the private sectors who provide strategical guidance in terms of technological advancement. The reports have claimed that over a period of years, Bexar County and similar region which is exposed to natural disasters have been coping with the collaborative model in an indirect way since the help from the local community is uncounted for. The outcome of the report states that post-disaster occurrences that leave calamities are drastically revived by collaborative interventions. The primary notion of the research is to understand the predictability factors of the natural disaster and formulate a comprehensive, collaborative model that aids in helping the communities that are subjected to vulnerability. In order to draft a recovery model, it is important to consider the Crisis remediation framework, where the trigger is analyzed to obtain a quicker understanding of the disaster emergency, which is followed by establishing a crisis strategy (McNabb & Swenson, 2022). It is essential to survey the local and surrounding counties for startups and other entrepreneurs in addition to well-established firms that work in an emergency, disaster management, and fire-related accidents. With favorable insight, the new fire station can collaborate and establish a centralized operational framework in accordance with the fire station. With a centralized collaborative operation, after the trigger, the framework will include a strategy decision, which is later followed by the mitigation process and then implementation that is subjected to dynamic adaptation depending on the calamity. The collaboration model needs to be adapted for the mitigation or prediction of the impact, but when it comes to prediction, it demands a wider collaborative model that includes the entire local community to provide suggestions that will extend connection in terms of the network where contemporary prediction and mitigation technologies can be pooled in to upon a mitigation model that should operate in terms of long-term impact and short-term impact. Procedures/Methods Document the detailed and logical steps you will take to complete your study. Who is your study population? Will a sample of the total population be used? The total population of the target region needs to be taken into account in order to understand how they impact both the natural hazard and also how the intervention could assist them in accordance with statistical reasoning. The entire population is one of the major stakeholders of the research study in order to represent the entire population. However, the number of participants will be limited in order to reduce the broader aspects and lose the core elements of the results. In the total population, the primary focus will be given to the fire department, meteorology department, emergency response team, hazard handling department, electricity and water departments, and vulnerable population  in order to record the loss rate per every 250 participants with a timeframe of over last twenty years with crucial importance given to datasets from the recent times.?? What are the appropriate sampling methods for this research? I would like to employ the random sampling method since there is no number count for the population, and a large diversity of data could hamper the end result, so random sampling could give us the advantage of ensuring the accuracy of the data flow without dividing the population into a sub-category. Since, in terms of probability, the researchers tend to have control over whom to select in order to retrieve more credible data, which is believed to be purposive sampling  in order to obtain a more detailed dataset with rationale cues. How will you collect data? Some of the approaches drafted to collect data from a larger population are in terms of interviews, documents and records, and oral histories. Interviews are chosen in order to sustain the efficiency of the information in addition to giving us the potential to have open-ended questions to get supplementary data related to the topic providing us with customizable options. Secondly, documents and records are chosen in order to improve the accuracy of the data being employed; the existing data provides the reasoning factor why the possible intervention was drafted in addition to whether it has proved to be successful in another region before. Thirdly, oral history since the primary stakeholders are people of higher power or authority over their operational departments in terms of getting the right set of data. How will you maintain participant confidentiality (if appropriate)? By incorporating the ethical code of research while conducting any interview by not providing their information without informed consent. Ensure the use of encryption to protect the datasets. Conclusion After assessing the impact of man-made accidents that caused havoc in the chosen county, it was drastically low compared to natural disasters, which are unpredictable and pose a threat to the community in terms of unpreparedness and recovery. The research is intended to instill awareness about the existing risk trends in Bexar County to re-evaluate the existing intervention to safeguard, prevent and protect the target population and suggest some of the possible states of the art technological advancement in the state approach to counter natural disasters to reduce the fatality rate and financial losses.? Reference Acu?a, L., & Shortes, C. R. (2016). City of San Antonio Fire Station 53 Project Cultural Resources Survey Investigations, Bexar County, Texas. Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State, 2016(1), 111. Figueroa, A. L., & Kemp, L. (2022). Archaeological Investigations of the Proposed Fire Station# 24, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Langar, S., Vannette, A., & Lombardi, A. (2022). Perceptions for Natural Disaster Preparedness among Historic Houses of Worship. EPiC Series in Built Environment, 3, 38-46. McNabb, D. E., & Swenson, C. R. (2022). Disaster Management Policies and Practices: Multi-Sector Collaboration in Emergencies and Disasters. Taylor & Francis. Willison, C. E., Singer, P. M., Creary, M. S., Vaziri, S., Stott, J., & Greer, S. L. (2022). How do you solve a problem like Maria's? The politics of disaster response in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas. World Medical & Health Policy, 14(3), 490-506.

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