Question.728 - Identify the main subject area that you are interested in. Break down that main subject into at least four subareas. Select two subareas that interest you the most. Identify at least three research questions. Identify specific objectives for your research questions. Articulate how you would assess your chosen objectives, or from a high-level overview, explain how you would go about gathering data for your proposed study. Describe your continued interest in your topic. Explain why your topic is important to you, the fire service, or even the world. Explain what would happen if this research was not conducted. Remember that your research topic should be specific to you and your interests, location, jurisdiction, and station.
Answer Below:
Unit II Homework Michael Kowal Columbia Southern University FIR 4308 Professor Todd CanaleJanuary 6th, 2023 Unit II Homework Step Response Identify the main subject area. Natural Disasters as the highest risk-causing factor in Bexar County, Texas. Dissect into subareas. Wild Fire Harsh winter conditions Tornados Hail and Ice Storm Select two subareas of interest to you. Hail and Ice Storm Harsh winter conditions and Tornados Raise research questions. What are the existing emergency procedure and risk management towards natural disaster and their practical efficiency? How are natural disasters mitigated or forecasted? What is the expected annual loss in terms of economy in addition to fatality in Bexar County? Formulate objectives. To evaluate the loss expected from natural disasters, establish the need of the hour. To understand how the existing forecasting measures the disasters in Bexar County in terms of how it helps the risk management and fire department to minimize the impact. To draft a new risk management and emergency plan to reduce the overall impact of the risk in terms of population fatality and economic loss. Be sure. (How would you assess your chosen objectives? How would you go about gathering data for your proposed study?) In terms of drawing a comparison with quantitative data and qualitative data to understand the theoretical credibility of the suggestions being recommended to the risk management programs for the County emergency protocol and also provide a preventive measure that is adapted from the advancement of technologies which are patented by various entrepreneurs in order to achieve three primary objectives - firstly to set effective forecasting or mitigation, followed by preventive measures that are adapted from contemporary technology, finally how the risk management and emergency fire department needs to address the impact post-occurrence. In terms of gathering datasets - I would evaluate the scholarly and other research libraries to obtain various datasets that entail a broader range of data, including those that could cause ethical implications such that during the proposal, there is no issue or moral counter. Double check. (Describe your continued interest in your topic. Why is your topic important to you, the fire service, or even the world? What would happen if this research were not conducted?) After assessing the impact of man-made accidents that caused havoc in the chosen county, it was drastically low compared to natural disasters, which are unpredictable and pose a threat to the community in terms of unpreparedness and recovery. The research is intended to instill awareness about the existing risk trends in Bexar County to reevaluate and structure an appropriate training intervention. Research Problem In terms of the problem - the research objective is to work on the natural disaster since the community is highly exposed to emergency intervention throughout the year, which adds more burden to the fire department and other risk management sectors; ensuring proper safety is becoming a challenging hardship since the public and private infrastructure is disrupted in terms of operational cues. Such as, whenever a disaster strikes, the county and the locals are not ready to push the population to face the physical danger leading to explicit financial loss. Research Purpose Statement Considering the purpose of the research on the natural disaster of Bexar County, according to the national risk index is alarming, the risk from the naturally occurring disasters scores is inclining towards relatively higher side; the score is 39.95 for the risk exposed by the community (Adepoju et al., 2022). Research Questions The Research will the following questions: what are the existing emergency procedures and risk management towards natural disaster and their practical efficiency? How are natural disasters mitigated or forecasted? What is the expected annual loss in terms of economy in addition to fatality in Bexar County? Background and Significance Considering the reports from the National Risk Index, Bexar County is the region subjected to a relatively high-risk rating. The County is exposed to an expected annual loss score of 40.89 on the national risk index in addition to a social vulnerability score of 46.12 and community resilience of 54.56 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). The research will provide an overview of how and why natural disaster needs to be given more importance in terms of including them in preventive and risk management processes. For instance, using the report from National Risk Index, the riverine flooding alone has caused havoc in terms of financial loss - the report claims that there is an expected annual financial loss of $38,136,600 in addition to the population equivalence of $34,849,470 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). Drought tends to be the highest contributor to the expected agricultural loss of $593,885 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). Other natural disasters are causing increased economic loss rates, including Hail and ice storms. According to the National Risk Index, Hail is expected to have an annual loss of $20,934,501, along with a building value loss annually of around $20,053,168 and a population equivalence of $830,828, and Hail disaster also tends to incur an annual agricultural loss of $50,506 ("Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). On the other hand, the County is exposed to harsh winter conditions, where Ice Storm is one such threat the community population experiences - the National Risk Index reports an annual economic loss value in terms of building loss is expected to$6,067,786 and a population equivalence of $294,216 (Adepoju et al., 2022; "Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas," 2022). References Adepoju, O. E., Han, D., Chae, M., Smith, K. L., Gilbert, L., Choudhury, S., & Woodard, L. (2022). Health disparities and climate change: the intersection of three disaster events on vulnerable communities in Houston, Texas. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(1), 35. Bexar County, Texas. Community Report - Bexar County, Texas (2022). Retrieved from Articles From Risk Management