Question.735 - Select a research method that you will use for your research paper and develop an annotated bibliography of at least five scholarly sources (excluding the course textbook) for your research paper topic. Utilize the topic you selected in your previous assignment, which should be personal to your location, jurisdiction, or state. The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for the final research proposal due in Unit VII. You may use the CSU Online Library to locate sources. The annotated bibliography submission should include summaries for each source with the following information. Write a brief explanation/summary of the source. Identify what the article is about, or explain what the author tested. Do not copy and paste the abstract or the summary from the article to your paper. Paraphrase and summarize the information in your own words. The summary may not be one long quotation. Write a brief explanation of how this source will contribute to your final paper.
Answer Below:
Unit III Homework Michael Kowal Columbia Southern University FIR 4308 Professor Todd CanaleJanuary 11th, 2023 Annotated Bibliography Figueroa, A. L., & Kemp, L. (2022).?Archaeological Investigations of the Proposed Fire Station# 24, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio. This particular resource provides archaeological insight into the existing fire stations and those that are proposed in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, which will give the researchers insight into how the placements of fire stations could alter the impact of the natural disaster. For instance, the primary notion of using this resource is to understand how the placement plays a vital role in addressing the response time of the fire station. The article also provides authoritative information on the City of San Antonio such that while drafting the interventions, it is easier to understand how public emergency departments operate among each other when a natural disaster strikes and how response time is managed. The article also assesses the existing storm drain, which is helpful since ice storm is the frequently occurring natural disaster in accordance with hail, riverine flooding, harsh winter conditions, earthquake, and more. The article also provides the code of federal regulation in a collective report that could help in increasing the overall credibility of the recommendations made. Acu?a, L., & Shortes, C. R. (2016). City of San Antonio Fire Station 53 Project Cultural Resources Survey Investigations, Bexar County, Texas.?Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State,?2016(1), 111. This article provides information in terms of the texas historical commission and also gives the research an overview of the datasets collected from the pedestrian survey on the new fire stations; this public interaction could give us an insight into public opinion on how important and effective the fires department are in terms of addressing the grievances of natural disaster. The dataset also provides a geographical assessment of the existing setting in terms of qualitative data that are peer-reviewed, providing a good resource aiding the research of natural disasters. The data presented also includes the analysis of the national risk index in terms of a field survey on the negative impact of the natural disasters that were discussed in the proposal. McNabb, D. E., & Swenson, C. R. (2022).?Disaster Management Policies and Practices: Multi-Sector Collaboration in Emergencies and Disasters. Taylor & Francis. The book provides an evaluation of disaster management policies and practices in accordance with multi-sector collaboration - such as how the public and private sectors can work in a collaborative model where both departments can share their risk management approach. The book also evaluates various contemporary emergency management framework that assesses disaster response and provides insight into the existing model of hazard prevention. I would like to add an intervention from the private sector in order to have to change the stereotypical approach that has existed and proved effective throughout the previous decade that has cast a burden on the county's financial structure. Willison, C. E., Singer, P. M., Creary, M. S., Vaziri, S., Stott, J., & Greer, S. L. (2022). How do you solve a problem like Maria's? The politics of disaster response in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas.?World Medical & Health Policy,?14(3), 490-506. The article tends to assess congress's intervention in terms of addressing the emergency situations on how they make the decisions and also how federal disaster aid responds to a disaster. The article evaluates the risk levels and how the interventions have proved to be effective in addition to the climatic crisis interventions; the dataset pertaining to the climate crisis provides us with an overview of how the existing mitigation is being done and how the final research can add solutions to address the need of the hour hazards. The article also provides datasets pertaining to the institutional barriers on the federal front where legislative participation could serve as a benefit or a disadvantage to the emergency response departments. Langar, S., Vannette, A., & Lombardi, A. (2022). Perceptions for Natural Disaster Preparedness among Historic Houses of Worship.?EPiC Series in Built Environment,?3, 38-46. This article tends to showcase the recent community interventions in terms of how the house of worship has conventional serving the recovery process in terms of natural disasters in addition to the buildings and other structures. The report put forth the importance of community service in terms of how they receive subsidies during a flooding disaster, allocation of funding, protocols followed during a natural disaster, and also standardized guidelines followed. This resource is chosen to understand how the local communities can be involved in recommending an inclusive model. Brief Summary I would like to state that although these resources were supposed to aid the research, I would like to expand to resources more than five since the chosen risk or emergency scenario tends to require additional research in terms of assessing the geographical implications of a particular region. While on the other hand, the possibility of obtaining accurate information on the region in terms of the negative impact of a particular natural disaster is low; it pushes the boundaries of the individualized research further in order to evaluate how the existing fire department mitigates, plans and drafts their prevention program in addition to their existing norms and regulations. However, the gathered information is to state that the natural disasters have been causing havoc in Bexar County, which cannot be mitigated and prevented by the existing fire departments interventions because data proves that over the last decade, the county has been exposed to a higher rate of expected annual loss in terms of economy in addition to higher fatality rate with the primary notion to spread awareness in accordance with making recommendations by incorporating modern technologies that have been proved effective throughout the world and also encourage the entrepreneur to provide resolution and also revamp the existing norms or guidelines to provide more safety to the county to tackle the natural disaster.More Articles From Risk Management