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Question.846 - What steps would you take to ensure that the information you have collected in either a quantitative or qualitative study is accurate as it relates to the coding process? How important is it for you to ensure that the data is accurate, and what can result if the data is inaccurate?

Answer Below:

Many measures must be taken throughout the coding process to ensure the correctness of the data obtained during a quantitative or qualitative investigation. Among these stages are: Performing inter-coder reliability checks to guarantee consistency of coding across several coders (Stemler, 2001). Creating a coding handbook that describes the codes and shows how to use them (Saldaa, 2016). Having many coders code the same data to verify that the codes are consistently applied (Miles et al., 2014). Reviewing the coded data for mistakes and inconsistencies, and resolving any disparities via discussion and consensus (Creswell, 2014). In any research project, it is critical to guarantee the quality of the data, as wrong data can lead to flawed judgments and inappropriate suggestions (Babbie, 2016). Incorrect data can lead to a lack of faith in study conclusions, which can have serious ramifications for the researcher, the organization financing the research, and the larger community. References Babbie, E. (2016). The practice of social research. Cengage Learning. Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Sage publications. Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. Sage publications. Salda?a, J. (2016). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. Sage publications. Stemler, S. (2001). An overview of content analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(17), 1-10.

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