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Question.4008 - Oceanography: Homework # 6 and Study Guide for Test # 5, Chapters 11+12. Upload on Canvas! Answer the below questions for homework # 6 and to study for Test 5. The homework must be turned in prior to the exam to receive credit. (Please cite your answers-textbook, etc); copied and pasted answers will receive a zero on the homework and tests Chapter 11: Marine Pollution Why do many marine pollution experts consider oil to be among the least damaging pollutants introduced into the ocean? List the types of marine pollutants. Why is storm-water runoff or drain runoff a significant contributor to non-point source pollution? Do we have any here southern California? What variables need to be considered in order to estimate how much mercury-rich seafood is safe to eat? Chapter 12: Marine Life and the Marine Environment Distinguish between plankton, nekton, and benthos and give an example of each. Discuss osmotic balance in freshwater and saltwater fishes. Know how to label a cross-section of the marine environment and include the following biozones (see lecture notes under Pelagic Environment): the neritic province (supralittoral, littoral, sublittoral, bathyal, abyssal, and hadal zones) and the oceanic province (epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, and abyssopelagic zones

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