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Question.4007 - Go to the University of Colorado Boulder website and select the Wave on a String simulation (https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/wave-on-a-string). You can activate it right in the window by clicking on it. You can also download to your computer if you wish. Quickly raise and lower the pipe wrench. What happens to the string? Make sure you made a big enough wave for it to reach the clamp. Does it reflect off the clamp? If so, what is different about the wave? Set damping to lots and make a new wave. What is different this time? How about when you set damping to none? What causes damping? Hit the yellow reset button at the bottom right. Try waves with tension at high then at low. What role does tension play for waves along a medium? (This should make sense with the equation you have for string tension) Swap to oscillate (top left). What affect does changing the amplitude have on the wave? How do you think amplitude relates to energy? Set amplitude to 0.70 cm. Set damping to none. Watch the wave go for several seconds. How does it change? Is there a cycle to it? Why does this happen (Hint: think about beats)? Set damping to the first line after none. The wave should be back to normal. Select the rulers option. Find and write down a frequency that results in a first harmonic wave. Where are the nodes? (NOTE: for the wave to be a proper harmonic, the green bead on the oscillator needs to be at the dotted line, along with the string looking like the harmonic youre seeking; you can use the slow motion and pause options to help you) Find the frequencies for the 2nd and 3rd harmonics. (keep in mind the note from the previous problem) What is the largest harmonic you can create in this simulation? With frequency at max value look at the string. Is it a standing wave? How do you know? (Hint: look at the string at 7 cm on the ruler. Is the string there alternating or always one part of a wave?

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