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Question.264 - Project Initiation falls in the early stages of the standard project life cycle and is usually represented by the conceptualization of the project. In the Initiation Phase, the project lead works with the project sponsor and stakeholders to define the scope and deliverables, estimate high level costs and critical resources, all defined in a project proposal to obtain authorization to begin the Planning Phase of the project.The Initiation Phase is critical to a projects success. A review should be conducted in the Initiation Phase to ensure executive and stakeholder support, clarity of objectives, and understanding of urgency. Therefore the project lead must have enough information about the merits of the projects Business justification/value and the viability of its proposed solution to make a meaningful evaluation. Throughout this course you will construct and develop your own project to which you will apply the concepts you are learning, and practice the various project management techniques and strategies. Like all projects, this assignment begins by identifying a need/problem (the idea) and conceptualizing a valuable solution. Identify a need in your home, at work, or in your community and draft a proposed project-based solution.?This could be a real project or an imaginary one. Be certain it is a project you have an interest in as you will spend the next several weeks managing this project. Using the?Project Proposal documentActions, draft your proposal. I recommend incorporating the feedback you've received in the?Week 2 - Course Project Definition and Discussion?to flesh out your project.

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