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Question.3066 - Is it easy for a typical project manager to do a fine job with respect to all of the knowledge areas? Does he/she have to sacrifice on some knowledge areas in order to perform well on the others? Discuss this challenge with your own experiences as a project manager.

Answer Below:

A project manager can do a fine job easily even if he does not have requisite skills, training and experience in all possible knowledge areas. He does not need to have information related to all knowledge areas. In case he has the information related all knowledge areas, it surely helps to do a task in a better manner. However, it is not a mandatory requirement. Instead of being generalist who has skill in all knowledge areas, he can sacrifice few areas and focus on becoming a subject expert in select knowledge areas. This way he can attain specialization in a particular domain. Indeed, in order to specialize and attain deeper understanding of few of the relevant knowledge areas, he needs to sacrifice on some knowledge areas. In my experience as project manager, I have come to the understanding that it is important to select the specific knowledge areas that are most relevant for my particular work and industry. It is no point to spreading my knowledge thin over a number of knowledge. Instead, the more intelligent option is to focus just on the most relevant knowledge skill sets and sacrifice the remaining. References Verzuh, E. (2011). The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management. John Wiley & Sons. Kloppenborg, T. (2011). Contemporary Project Management. Cengage Learning.

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