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Question.931 - Please submit a 500-word draft of the research paper, for feedback from the instructor. See the instructions in the course Welcome area and the syllabus.

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Brief Analysis of Focolare Movement Eddy Pena Anna Maria University THE 304: Catholic Social Teaching Professor Peter DePergolaMarch 22nd, 2023 Brief Analysis of Focolare Movement Focolare Movement is considered the work of Mother Mary, in accordance with what embodies a particular form of spirituality where the emphasis is given to the Gospel as seen from the perception of unity. The underlying notion for this movement is from the basis taken from John chapter 17, verse 21, where before losing his life, he prays to the Father (God) for all the people to be one. During the early 1940s in Italy, Focolare emerged when a school teacher named Chiara Lubich allied with other younger women; this was also a period when world war II was devastating the nations when the young women recognized the need for unity with the conception that love is what unites us under one God (Vasil, 2016). These young women dedicated their lives to the gospels; over a period of time, several local women joined the movement, the led to the establishment of a local church of spirituality that was unique to the time, gave emphasis to unity and preached the word from the comprehension that mutual love is inherent from Jesus as a new commandment. It took around twenty years for the Focolare movement to receive approval from Pope John XXII during the year 1962 and continued to receive recognition from Paul VI, who uplifted the movement by elevating it in terms of spreading it to several other regions. During the year 1977, Chiara Lubich, who started the movement of unity (Focolare Movement), received Templeton Price being an activist the took the religion towards progress. The objective of the movement is to encourage the believer to live a life worthy of the word of the gospels and to eliminate the division among nations that destroy themselves with war (Genova, 2019). While on the other hand, unlike other movements, Focolare does not thrive on evangelizing the world or seeking to convert people, rather they want all the believers to work together as one body and work on instilling peace among the nations in terms of helping the common people to thrive in humanity. As said in James chapter 2, verse 19, one's faith should be in one God. Several meetings held by the Focolare across the world also gave importance to exalting Mary as the universal mother in order to promote Catholicism (Genova, 2019). Referring to John 14 verse 6 when Jesus said that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no man can go to Father but through him  with this understanding, assessing the working pattern of the Focolare Movement, which provides the scope to several God in the name of humanity and oneness, turns away from the being a true Christian form unity that is built upon the truth of the Bible. Sociological, cultural, and economic factors in several countries drive the core operational cues of this movement. People who are within the movement meet at an annual event called Mariapolis, referred to as the city of Mary, to spread God and establish/celebrate the presence of God and to encourage the practice of charity to reach the undermined community. In 1998, on the vigil of Pentecost when the ecclesial movement and Pope John Paul II led new communities along with Chiara Lubich, remastered the Focolare movement in terms of instilling the sense of love as and how our father God showers it upon us (Genova, 2019; Vasil, 2016). The meeting urged the people to work in a harmonious form to build a more united world, with Jesus as the inspiration in accordance with the cultural diversity several nations bring to the movement without compromising that "May they all be one," from John chapter 17 verse 21. Some the nations like Italy, Africa, Brazil, and Argentina tend to have permanent events like the Mariapolis operating with the "New City," publishing in some of the parent countries to publish the monthly publishing called the "New/Living City," that preaches the spiritual movement in 24 languages (Genova, 2019). References Genova, P. (2019). Chiara Lubich's Theology of Unity: An Overview. Theological Studies, 80(1), 51-69. Lubich, C. (1983).?May They All Be One: Origins and Life of the Focolare Movement. New City Press. Vasil, E. (2016). The Focolare Movement and the Renewal of the Church: An Ecumenical Perspective. Ecumenical Review, 68(3), 263-276.

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