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Question.917 - In what ways might protecting the weakest and most vulnerable, even when that protection comes with a price, actually make a community and society stronger and more united? How does this relate to the Catholic understanding of each person created in God's image and likeness? In what ways does such protection exemplify the College's value of Justice and peace: Acknowledging our place within the world, the College emboldens our students to identify injustices and to contribute peaceful solutions to those injustices?

Answer Below:

I would like to take the example of Matthew chapter 10 from 1  42; Jesus recognizes the meek and lowly to pick them as disciples and protected them throughout the time he was with them and forever. In several instances, Jesus had to protect them from the local authorities and other people, sometimes even from themselves. The cost Jesus paid was his life, and the community he paved the way with his disciples is stronger than ever; although divided by the world's religious aspect, the underlying core of Jesus is the basis for us all. Another example could be from the textbook about St. Frances about her struggle along with the church she was administered with abuses, conflict, and confusion, leading to increased havoc in the community and breaking the internal structure (Vogt, 2014). Despite the hardship, Frances began building a community that drew in the poor and hungry with her husband's support. Frances sacrificed her own home for the sick and hungry to stay; Frances created the oblates of virgin May for the women to serve the church by serving the poor (Vogt, 2014). Frances dedicated her life and all the resources she had to the suffering people. Post-death  the works of Saint Frances are still being carried out in the name of the lord. Considering Jesus or Frances as an example of how they served the vulnerable, we are made in the likeness of God to present the Catholic social teachings that are of timeless values. God uses us in several ways to bring in radical changes, just like God's inherent worthiness, which provides us extended support to the vulnerable. The belief in helping the needy provides the foundation for the catholic church's social teaching since the duty of the catholic is upheld in terms of the inherent dignity of every person to promote the common good for society. When colleges exemplify justice and peace, they instill a sense of ethical or moral cues among the student to identify the injustices and work towards developing more holistic and peaceful solutions which inclusive of the most vulnerable in terms of applying their values. References Vogt, B. (2014).?Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World. Our Sunday Visitor.

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