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Question.3009 - For this assignment you will choose three topics – one from the Judaism topic list and one from the Christianity topic list and one from the Islam topic list below. Your responses must be typed in essay format – that is, no lists, outlines, bullets. Your responses to each topic should be about 250-350 words in length. You should not need to go over this length. In addition to the topic list, there is an extra credit question at the end. Your responses should be typed in Times New Roman 12 font and single spaced. You do not need a title page. Grammar and mechanics will be part of the final grade consideration. As you will be citing material from the text (do not use outside sources) or from lecture you do not need a works cited page but you do need to use in text citations for quotations. Quotations need to be clearly indicated as such. While quotes are good here and there the bulk of your answers must be your own wording. Retyping the wording from the text is plagiarism and zero credit will be given for the exam as a whole. Assignment due by Tuesday, July 23 by 10:00 pm. JUDAISM TOPIC LIST Topic One: Page 386 – 386 of the text describes the Christian Crusades and their impact on the Jewish communities in Europe. Describe the nature of the Crusades. Then describe the Sephardim and the Ashkenazim Jewish groups. Finally what were the ghettos? Topic Two: Page 390 – 392 of the text describes forms of Judaism that have arisen during the 19 th century. Describe the central tenets of the following forms of Judaism: Reform, Orthodox, and Conservative Topic Three: The section “Defining Jewish Identity” addresses the problem of defining Jewish identity. Discuss the ways that different forms of Judaism define what it means to be a Jew. CHRISTIANITY TOPIC LIST Topic One; Summarize what you as the similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity. Topic Two: Page 445-447 of the text describes medieval monasticism and medieval mysticism. Describe the following monastic groups: Dominicans, Franciscans. Then, describe the nature of medieval mysticism, including a discussion of prominent female mystics Topic Three: Page 473 475 of the text describes recent theological trends. Describe the essential features of the following: Black Theology, Liberation Theology, and Feminist Theology. ISLAM TOPIC LIST Topic One: Describe the similarities and differences between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Include a discussion on how Muslims, Christians, and Jews view the person and role of Jesus. Topic Two: Page 534 – 537 of the text describes the movements toward innovation and syncretism. Describe the essential features of the following: the Ahmadiya, Baha’i, and Black Muslims of the United States Topic Three: Page 521 – 524 of the text describes the issues in the modern period faced by Muslim communities. Describe the essential features of the following: Wahhabi purification, secularism in Turkey, modernism in Egypt, and reformulation in India. EXTRA CREDIT (10 points) Looking back over the religions we discussed this quarter, describe what you consider to be some universal themes – this may include theology, religious art, sacred stories, ethics, etc. Describe at least three themes that span the religions we discussed this quarter.

Answer Below:

Looking to protect pure beliefs and teachings of Islam the Wahhabi order came to prominence. Considered as an eminent personality in Muslim world, Muhammad bin Abd al Wahhab, worked to bring an important paradigm shift in the teachings of Islam. He was especially looking to change those preaching which did not match the words and principles of Prophet Muhammad. He was a puritan who spoke against a number of practices which were castigated and promoted as wrong beliefs and idol worship. His followers spoke about the ideals of Oneness of God. They had to face some power struggle, but ultimately the puritan and traditional thoughts of the followers of the Wahhabi won over the Muslim community and particularly the strategically important Saudi Arabia. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is an important figure who transformed the entire landscape of Turkey. He led its remarkable transformation from a traditional state to a progressive, secular and republic Turkey. He established the modern roots of Turkey and ideals of democracy in the Muslim state. But, the emergence of Islam-dominated political parties in the later part of 20 th century reversed some of the reforms he had achieved in Turkey. Jamal al-Din al-Afghani has been noted for his contribution towards introduction of modern concepts of Western civilization in Egypt. He argued that Egypt should reform and embrace some of Western principles in science and technology to be able to match Western forces. He advocated the spread of modern science and technology in the Muslim nation by asking people to accommodate modernism. Aligarh Muslim University, in India became the seat of reformulation of Islamic thoughts in India because of the works of Sir Sayyid Ahmed. He was an advocate of liberal thoughts in religious matters and worked towards creation of progressive religion. Personal autonomy in religious practice was established in India’s Muslims on account of his ideas. Sir Muhammad Iqbal was another person who provided reformulation of thoughts in religion. His works led to creation of dynamic thoughts and provided a break from ritualistic and traditional ideas of Islam in India. The central tenet of Reform Judaism has been laid upon leading an awakening of the Jewish community and adoption of a progressive religion which did not focus on regressive traditional ideas. Germany became the development point of Reform Judaism, where a number of changes in religion were promoted. They started to denounce dogmas in religious service and provide greater emphasis on personal autonomy in matters of religion. The central theme of Reform Judaism was to inculcate modern beliefs and traditions into religious ideas. They preached that religion should be devoid of rigid rituals like maintaining the requirements of Sabbath services and other sacrificial rites. It worked towards creation of a progressive and modern approach to religion. Opposite to the Reform Judaism, Orthodox Judaism focused on emphasis of practice of religious teachings as prescribed in the rabbinic literature. It provided focus on strict adherence to traditions in religious practices among Jewish people and adoption of laws prescribed in the Torah. Believers in this order had an opinion that religious services and rites should be performed in its pure form and without any form off dilution. The promotion of traditional thoughts without any change in laws and beliefs was the prime concern of the Orthodox Judaism’s supporters. Taking in the best of both Reform and Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism provided a new approach to teachings and practice of Judaism. Conservative Judaism believed in the fact that even though religious practice should not be completely removed from tradition but it should also take into account modern ideas, thoughts, beliefs, laws and traditions. This movement began in Germany but grew well in USA where people believed that religion should be considered as an evolving idea and should account for modern changes in its teachings. Therefore, they maintained traditional practices but evolved them according to modern-day requirements. Among the major order orders which promoted the teachings of Jesus Christ, Dominican order is considered as the most prominent. In the 12 th centrury a new order by the name of Dominican order was initiated by Dominic to tackle the growing concern of heretical conversion of Christians based in France. The supporters of this order also called as friars worked towards spreading Christianity’s preaching among converts and non-believers. They led a simple lifestyle which appealed to the people. The people accepted their philosophy related to the ideals of Christian religion. Inspite of being admonished and castigated by Popes over a long period of time, they continued their work of spreading Christ’s teachings. In the same century St. Francis led the creation of the Franciscans order. Among a leading figure of this order, St Francis had been instrumental in spreading Christianity among poor and outcasts. Living an extremely simple life, he considered himself ‘married to Lady Poverty’ while preaching the ideals of Christ. His followers promoted prayer and penance and advocated adoption of simple way of life. This ensured that the order received great success and appealed to a large number of followers across the world. Philosophers like Thomas Aquinas were responsible for promoting medieval mysticism. Collectively such philosophers like Thomas had been responsible for establishing relationship between religion and culture and expressed it through their writings. Bernard of Clairvaux, was another such philosopher who preached the words of Jesus. These preachers romanticized the existence and love for Christ which added to the mysticism to these medieval times. A number of female proponents were also instrumental in the development of medieval mysticism. Leading among them were Julian from Norwich, Catherine of Siena and Teresa of Avila. Known for her deep philosophical expression, Julian, expressed of religious ideas which found their presence in literature. She was a reclusive lady and quietly preached her love for Christ. Another female philosopher Catherine served the poor and the ignorant and considered Jesus as her heavenly bridegroom. While reforming the Carmelite order Teresa spent her life in spreading Christ’s teachings among people.

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