Question.2951 - Since answers to these exam questions should be well researched essays, what kinds of information have you accessed to complete this exam (e.g. what sources did you use)? Give examples of the information you used and its attributes (e.g. timely, accurate, etc.)? How were you sure that you were using good information and what validated that good information?
Answer Below:
The research work conducted to answer question 1 of the exam has involved my going through the history of the relational Database management System and the process in which it works. My first source for discovering the history of the RDBMS has been the information available on the IBM site itself (IBM being the place where Codd had invented the RDBMS in his research lab). There information relating to the necessity and requirement of introducing a user friendly and less expensive database management system had been laid out which has helped to understand the difference between the IBM’s IMS (hierarchical DBMS). It also helped in understanding the basic idea that has been the basis of the RDBMS which is the Relational theory of sets which points out that the use of database had been made simpler by building relations between the values of the database items. Also, IBM has provided the working model of the RDBMS which has been used in the essay to help in having a clearer understanding of the subject. All these information is available on the site- http://www- Another important site referenced while writing the essay on the RDBMS has been; wherein the important function of crud i.e. create, retrieve, update and delete of the data in the RDMS through the use of the SQL has been provided. It has also been provided in the essay to showcase how easy is these important functions to use in the RDBMS. The other essay has been on HTML and about its history and development. The history on HTML has been taken from the site-; which has not only provided a summary on HTML but also on the simultaneous growth of the www and internet which only propelled the need and growth of HTML. The development of HTML has just not been the invention of only one person but it has been the contribution by the TML enthusiasts all across the globe, but the idea and its validity has been made by Tim Berners-Lee who had unselfishly shared his invention for its further improvement and development by all other computer engineers and enthusiasts. Various contributions along the 1990s has been made in the form of new tags, attributes and features which has led to the development of better and newer versions of HTML. Also, it has been helpful in understanding the need and basic idea behind the development of the HTML and its importance in the free flow of data around the globe. Also, there has been this site-; which has provided information regarding the various tags that is used in the structuring of the HTML page and the various functions performed by these tags.More Articles From Computer