Question.714 - Choose ONE of the following Discussion Questions to comment on. Post a comment here. After you have posted your comment, respond to another classmate’s Discussion comment. Please make sure the comments that you post are a minimum of 100 words each. The rubric for the grading of Discussions is in the syllabus. Discussion Questions Chapter 1 CONSTRAINTS - In addition to the triple constraints of scope, time, and cost what other factors can affect a project? Explain whether quality should be considered a fourth constraint. ETHICAL DECISIONS - Discuss ethical decisions that project managers often face (list them or give an example. How does a professional code of ethics make it easier to work in an ethical manner? ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER - What is the role of a project manager? What skills are important for IT project managers specifically? How important is leadership? Chapter 1 - IN THE NEWS - find and post a link to a recent (last 3 weeks) news article online related to project management, specifically related to a project’s success or failure. Then, describe why the article is relevant to becoming better Project Managers.
Answer Below:
ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER? As the competition is aggravating, companies are striving hard to deliver complex projects in a highly competitive environment. It leads to the need of highly skilled project managers who can deliver optimal work in a time-bound framework. Effective communication is one of the key factors for a project manager. Since project managers are constantly communicating with stakeholders in meetings, poor communication could lead to inefficiency and missed deadlines. Effective communication includes knowing how to approach people, create meaningful relationships with co-workers, and articulate a established vision of what you wish to achieve. Leading a project is symbolic of managing resources, engaging with suppliers, and dealing with team conflict. The core aspect of being a project manager is negotiating well with the different resources in an organization. Scheduling and time management is other key factor for project manager. One of the critical reasons for a project failure is poor planning and changing priorities within an organization. Essential skills for an IT project manager is to have a superior technical skills and time management. Technical skills play an equally critical role in delivering a robust and successful project. A practical understanding of project management software can positively impact a project manager's work. Lack of time management skills could hamper the deadlines and lead to delays and not meeting deliverables on time. It could have an adverse impact on the project. For an IT project manager, collaboration is key. To keep their teams operating effectively, project managers need to possess strong interpersonal skills. To maintain teamwork and a positive work environment, it calls for an awareness of conflict management.More Articles From Computer