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Question.2978 - Notepad as html editor (help in w3schools.com) 1. Open the exam.html with web browser and with plain text editor 2. Change the file in text editor, save, refresh in browser (try before you go on) 3. Create a firs level heading EXAM and a second level heading MY DATA. Write Aaro Tanner, IntBBak11 to separate rows. 4. Write a second level heading PICTURES AND HYPERLINKS 5. Create a hyperlin to www.wikipedia.org 6. insert the picture android.jpg 7. write a second level heading NUMBERED LIST and create a numbered list (ordered list): 1. bananas 2. oranges 3. pineapples 8. create a style what changes the background color of page to lightgreen 9. create a style that , what changes color of tedt in first level heading to darkgreen. Use the hexadecimal code of color for that.

Answer Below:

(This is a title page) Exam Group: INTBBA..11..... Name:Aaro Tanner………………………. E-mail:aaro.tanner@gmail.com………………………. (End of title page) Contents Customer Profile 2 What were you doing that needed this type of technology? 2 What products did you consider before making a selection? 2 Suomi solmii verotietosopimuksen pikkuisen veroparatiisin Niuen kanssa 3 4 Customer Profile By Dan Kusnetzky | May 21, 2012, 3:03am PDT Summary: Torti Gallas says that overhauling your IT infrastructure doesn’t need to be a big ordeal. Technologies from Cisco, NetApp and VMware were a foundation the company is using to support its growth. From time to time, I like to communicate with someone actually using the technology the suppliers rave about during our conversations. This time, Omer Mushahwar, a Senior Associate at Torti Gallas, took a few minutes to answer my questions. Thanks Omer! Picture 1 Picture 2 What were you doing that needed this type of technology? Torti Gallas continues to grow, and with growth came a need to reevaluate our IT infrastructure. We had data and mission-critical files spread out over six different servers leading to significant IT inefficiencies. We also suffered from periodic data center outages due to severe weather, an issue that could cost the firm up to $45,000 daily. This data growth, server sprawl, and storage inefficiencies led to significant IT management challenges, system performance issues and outdated equipment. We weren’t providing an IT foundation that was deserving or supportive of our award-winning staff. We needed an infrastructure that would be more reliable, cost-efficient and agile. What products did you consider before making a selection? We began by working closely with technology partner and IT solutions provider Presidio to investigate options to suit our needs. The data center virtualization experts at Presidio zeroed in on the FlexPod data center solution from NetApp and Cisco. We were sold on VMware for virtualization, so it was crucial that the storage technology integrated seamlessly with VMware. The VMware on FlexPod from NetApp and Cisco solution was the clear choice for our virtualization and cost-efficiency goals and offers all of the capabilities we need for a 5 scalable, agile, secure enterprise. Using FlexPod, we were able to design and implement a cost-effective solution, with a flexible finance option that allowed us to acquire the equipment up front and spread the costs over four years. Tablet market to be dominated by small screens, says IDC Summary: IDC's growth projection is based on inexpensive Android devices with screen sizes of about 7 inches driving demand. By Larry Dignan for Between the Lines | May 21, 2013 -- 13:37 GMT (06:37 PDT) Tablet shipments are expected to surge and eclipse PC units by 2015 largely due to inexpensive devices with 8-inch screens and smaller, according to research firm IDC. IDC said that it expects tablet shipments to be 229.3 million units in 2013, up 58.7 percent from 144.5 million units in 2012. In 2013, tablet shipments will pass portable PCs and in 2015 outrun the entire PC market. In other words, cheap good-enough computing with a mobile spin is in. Article from the Internet Suomi solmii verotietosopimuksen pikkuisen veroparatiisin Niuen kanssa 21.8.2013 16:220 Tykkää Suosittele 0 Jyri Hänninen HELSINGIN SANOMAT Suomen valtio on solmimassa verotustietojen vaihtoa koskevan sopimuksen piskuisen Niuen veroparatiisin kanssa. Myös muut Pohjoismaat ovat solmimassa vastaavan sopimuksen.Samassa yhteydessä tehdään sopimus kaksinkertaisen verotuksen välttämiseksi. Sopimus allekirjoitetaan kirjeenvaihdolla siten, että Suomi toimittaa sopimuksen Pariisin lähetystöön Niuen edustajille allekirjoitettavaksi 6.syyskuuta mennessä. Niue on alle 2 000 asukkaan itsehallinnollinen saarivaltio Polynesiassa Tyynellä valtamerellä.Saarivaltiolla on tiiviit yhteydet Uuteen-Seelantiin. Niuea pidetään yleisesti veroparatiisina, jossa on alhainen verotus, vähäinen sääntely ja tiukat salaisuuskäytännöt. 6 Niue ei ole onnistunut houkuttelemaan erityisen paljon pääomia maahan, mutta saarivaltiota käytetään esimerkiksi pöytälaatikkoyhtiöiden perustamiseen. Myös suomalaisilla on ollut yhteyksiä Nieun saarelle. Suomi on solminut aiemmin vastaavanlaiset sopimukset noin 40 veroparatiisina pidetyn maan kanssa. Tietojenvaihtosopimusten avulla pyritään estämään veronkiertoa ja kaksoisverotusta. Sopimuksia on kuitenkin moitittu tehottomaksi, sillä tietojenpyyntöjen pitää edelleen olla hyvin tarkkaan yksilöityjä. Useat veroparatiisimaat vaativat muun muassa tarkat tiedot yritysten omistajista. Viranomaisille ei kuitenkaan aina ole tätä tietoja käytettävissä ja veroparatiisiyhtiöiden johdossa toimivat usein bulvaanit eli näennäisjohtajat.

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